The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 70 The Opposition of the Clan

"Everyone, calm down first, although there is a young guy in front of him, but what is his strength, I have witnessed it with my own eyes, I can guarantee that even if you all add up, it will not be His opponent!"

Zhang Muyi swept his eyes from the others, and finally dropped such an extremely fierce speech. He was like a thunderbolt, and immediately shocked the hearts of all the "Zero Five Three" present.

Because they can also know that Tang Hao's current strength is very powerful, because it can be judged just by looking at his momentum, but if it is really according to what Zhang Muyi said, all the clan names now add up to not Tang Hao's opponent, that is obviously quite an exaggeration.

Because they live in this primitive area all the year round, they often encounter some ferocious beast attacks. In order to save their lives, they also have hard training on weekdays. Now everyone is because of this certain strength.

If in the process of focusing with Tang Hao, only one fist can hit Tang Hao, then just in terms of number, it is enough to completely defeat Tang Hao.

"Zhang Muyi, are you looking down on us? I don't know how much of a crime you should be punished if the patriarch finds out about such a thing?"

Suddenly, one of the tall men stood up on his own initiative. His name was Andy Lau, and he was a young and strong man among the primitive residents.

But obviously Zhang Muyi couldn't help but plan to do something with his throat because it would cause Tang Hao to really face a danger as soon as he stood up directly, and also stretched out his arms to protect Tang Hao.

Tang Hao was a little surprised when he saw such a picture, but he was able to understand in a short time what was going on.

But for Tang Hao, all this is unnecessary, because his own strength is quite powerful, and under such circumstances, he can protect himself very well.

"Zhang Muyi, if they are really unconvinced, I can completely fight with them. After they see my true strength, they will have nothing to say!""

Now that Zhang Muyi has already stood up for Tang Hao in front of his face in front of his clan, then Tang Hao can no longer hide behind him and do nothing.

In the following period of time, Tang Hao said very simply, and in the process of speaking, it was obviously not afraid.

The men around heard Tang Hao's words, but they felt that Tang Hao was looking down on them from the bottom of their hearts, and there was already a anger in everyone's heart, if there is any more fuse. , will be completely ignited, then the scene will definitely fall into a panic.

"What are you all doing? There are no rules for 1.5? Don't you even accept the suggestions made by the clan?

Suddenly behind the crowd, there was an old man, he said loudly, and the surroundings immediately fell into a kind of silence.

Through such a small detail, Tang Hao can know that the old man in front of him must not be simple in the mysterious area.

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