The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 78 Break the Exit (Part 2)

The tone of Tang Hao's speech now does not intend to make any concessions at all. In the face of this sudden situation, the teenager must make a decision as soon as possible, because Tang Hao's own patience is not much, but he really put Tang Hao If it is put in, it means that the people living here are likely to be in danger.

But in fact, Tang Hao had already expressed his own attitude from the very beginning, that is, he just wanted to intervene and enter here, and he would not attack the people living here at all.

For Zhang Muyi, it doesn't matter whether he can enter this town, because he just saw Tang Hao's strength that he can show at 20, but now he is full of all kinds of curiosity. That's exactly how Tang Hao does it all.

"Can you tell me the trick to that sequence of moves you just did? I really want to get answers!"

Zhang Muyi really couldn't hold back his inner curiosity, so at this time he decisively put forward this request, but the tone of his speech was obviously very polite.

Because when he lived in the primeval forest, Zhang Muyi had encountered similar situations many times. If he had understood the tricks that Tang Hao was able to show at that time, then dealing with those beasts would have become quite simple. .

Tang Hao heard such words, he first listened and nodded, but now is the most critical time, he can't be distracted here, because this is very likely to make everything in the future have a big impact Variety.

"Zhang Muyi, I know your current urgency! But I also promise you that after successfully entering the town and we are all safe, I will definitely tell you the skills in it!

Tang Hao said calmly, but for Zhang Muyi, this was extremely exciting news, and he jumped up there.

The teenagers on the city wall now, after witnessing the actions of Tang Hao and his companions, thought it was a deliberate mockery.

But maybe what they didn't understand at all was that if Tang Hao really showed his full strength, it would only be more powerful, so even if they were unwilling, they would not be able to stop Tang Hao.

"Damn it, I've already made the answer, I absolutely can't let those guys be so arrogant, I'll get rid of them all now!

In the process of talking, the teenager has already rushed towards the bottom, but although his own strength is quite powerful, but if he really wants to have a 070 with Tang Hao, what the result will be, it is quite clear. .

The companions around, seeing the young man's impulsiveness, all took a breath, but none of them dared to act to stop him.

Under such circumstances, the young man came directly to the flat ground, and he stared at him with a serious expression from a long distance, and his eyes were as if there was an undying hatred between Tang Hao and him.

"Tang Hao, the danger is really coming!" Zhang Muyi felt a little scared when he felt the aura of the young man.

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