The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 79 The Strength of the Strong (Part 2)

It is a pity that he finally chose to take a detour and carried out such a cruel and inhumane cultivation method. Although he finally gained a certain strength, he was completely abandoned, and he wanted to live a normal life again. It is absolutely impossible, because at that time he has been cast aside by the world.

"It's really a pity! But I hope he can choose the most correct path now and stop coming into contact with those evil cultivation methods!"

Tang Hao thought in his heart, the emotions in his heart are actually full of sadness, but soon he was able to adjust such an emotion.

What he needs to accomplish now is much simpler, that is, 070 can use some methods of support to defeat the teenager in front of him.

For Hua Yunfei, he felt a little strange, because he could clearly see how Tang Hao's face was now, which was obviously extremely sad, but why did he show such an attitude, he was inwardly It is also full of doubts.

But there is no way to escape a fight between the two of them, otherwise Tang Hao would not be able to pass through the town, nor would he be able to reach his destination, Australia.

"Come on, I will let you, an extremely arrogant stinker, witness the super strength of my Hua Yunfei! 35

In the process of speaking, Hua Yunfei had already charged directly towards the front, and now the aura of his entire body is extremely powerful. If he wants to accomplish all this, the trouble behind him is quite large.

The opponent is likely to be attacking, Tang Hao can also react in a short time, he intends to fight quickly, after all, Tang Hao has no extra time to continue to waste here, in such a situation Under the circumstances, Tang Hao also rushed forward, and soon the two were in complete contact with each other.

All of a sudden, Hua Yunfei was able to cabf the accumulated spiritual energy in the light and flint, and tightly hovered in his hands.

Zhang Muyi is extremely worried in his heart now, because he knows that Hua Yunfei can complete this series of actions, his strength is really extremely powerful, and he is not bragging on purpose.

"Oops, Tang Hao must be careful, absolutely nothing unexpected happens!

Zhang Muyi thought silently in her heart, but it was still unknown whether it would work, but when she saw the next scene, she immediately understood.

It turned out that in the face of Hua Yunfei's aura attack, Tang Hao didn't do anything to evade at all. On the contrary, he just flicked his arm in and directly swept Hua Yunfei out. .

As for the aura attack he had accumulated, of course, it couldn't work, the whole person fell directly to the ground, and Hua Yunfei felt a piercing pain.

But in fact, the reason why he still has some consciousness is that Tang Hao is merciful. If Tang Hao's slap just now can directly solve his whole person.

This is the strength of a strong man, who can deal severe damage to the opponent through a few small tricks.

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