The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 89 The Safe Way (Part 2)

"We don't have to worry about so much, you can rest assured, I will protect your life no matter what, and I will never let your life be in danger. This is my promise to you!"

Tang Hao gently tapped Zhang Muyi's shoulder with his hands while he was talking, and he was also full of confidence in the process of talking. For Tang Hao, the strengths he possesses are precisely the The source of his present confidence.

Zhang Muyi also had a sense of honor in his heart. If this is the case, if he can go to the Great Xia Dynasty and return successfully, then it will be a big deal for his personal experience. The improvement of all this is a must thanks to Tang Hao's help.

In the next process, the two of them continued to drive forward, and soon they had reached the top of the mountain, only to find that there was this magical building here, that is, an ancient pagoda.

The bricks above are already full of history, but Tang Hao can feel that there may be some secrets hidden on those ordinary stones.

"Zhang Muyi, you have to be careful, I feel that this place is full of mystery!"

Tang Hao took the initiative to remind Zhang Muyi that although he had made a promise to Zhang Muyi, some other things had to be done by Zhang Muyi alone.

Because there are not so many things that can be taken into account, Zhang Muyi can also understand in his heart, so he has no hesitation, and immediately agrees.

In the following period of time, Tang Hao came directly in front of one of the bricks, and he lightly touched the top of him with his hand, and immediately felt the unusualness in it.

"The weather around is so hot now, but there is a coolness on this brick, there must be some mystery in it!"

Tang Hao (cabf) said loudly, Zhang Muyi heard Tang Hao's words, he quickly reached out and touched it, only to find that it was really what Tang Hao said.

"What the hell is going on here? Could there be something more icy behind these bricks that would cause the ice to cool down?"

Although Zhang Muyi has always lived in the virgin forest, he has also encountered similar situations. At that time, he was still very young, and he had to be led by his father before he could feel all this. .

Tang Hao nodded lightly, but his attention was not on Zhang Muyi, because he had already developed a great interest in those bricks, and then, Tang Hao's hands were lightly exerted, and this part was already there Reiki builds up on the fingers.

In an instant, white smoke began to appear on the brick, and it was impossible for him to withstand the attack of Tang Hao's aura, and it was soon shattered directly.

"Come on, let's take a look at the secret behind this ancient pagoda, but now Zhang Muyi, you must step back to ensure your safety!"

Because what kind of consequences will occur in the future, it is basically everyone present, they are not able to make good predictions, so make some corresponding preparations in advance, this is a sure-fire strategy.

Suddenly, there was a commotion under the ancient pagoda.

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