Zhang Muyi couldn't understand, how to see what kind of secrets inside the ancient pagoda in such a dark environment.

But then there was a little light, and when Zhang Muyi didn't understand what was going on, Tang Hao walked directly in front, and he realized that the light was actually coming from Tang Hao's arm.

"Let's go, don't stand still! We still need money to go to the Great Xia Dynasty, we can't waste too much time here!

But all this seemed to be normal in Tang Hao's eyes. It turned out that those bright lights were precisely the aura that Tang Hao had accumulated in his dantian.

Under normal circumstances, the aura that can be displayed is without any light, but Tang Hao is obviously different from ordinary people.

Zhang Muyi once again raised various questions in his heart. He knew that he had to find the most suitable opportunity, and then asked Tang Hao about all this.

The two of them continued to walk forward, what exactly was there under the mysterious ancient pagoda? It was something neither of them could know very well now.

Because the surrounding itself is a closed space now, the sound of their footsteps can be remembered all the time.

"Zhang Muyi, have you already felt afraid? Because the surrounding environment is indeed full of various unknowns! But I hope you can overcome the fear in your heart."!

Although Tang Hao is at the forefront now, he can actually know what kind of thoughts Zhang Muyi has in his heart. When Zhang Muyi heard Tang Hao's words, he felt extremely surprised, because it was precisely It was just that he had been worried all the time.

In fact, this has nothing to do with Zhang Muyi's own psychological endurance. After all, he has lived in the virgin forest since he was a child, and it is impossible for him to encounter so many things.

However, he still understood that he couldn't go on like this anymore, so he quickly took a deep breath, hoping to adjust his thoughts in such a way.

Suddenly, Tang Hao could feel something unusual now appearing under his feet.

"Zhang Muyi, let's stop and take a look. Have you noticed that there are some special stones on these grounds?"

Tang Hao squatted down in the process of speaking, and Tang Hao could clearly see the light on the aura stones above his arms, and the ground was exactly as he expected.

Zhang Muyi was not able to react so quickly, but he also squatted directly on the ground with Tang Hao's movements, only to find that there is now a round (Qian Zhao) stone on the ground, as for the rest. All are square.

Looking further into the distance, I discovered that there were no other stones on the ground besides these two shapes. It was no accident that they had such a special shape.

"'These stones must have some special secret! It is very likely that there is a certain connection with the method of suppressing the thousand-year-old monster thousands of years ago!"

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