The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 101 The arrival of the Dianxia faction

It turned out that the spiritual energy that Tang Hao discovered just now was probably directly radiated from this piece of land. If this is the case, then there must be another mystery underneath this piece of land.

"Tang Hao, what the hell is going on? Why did you stop?"

Zhang Muyi really couldn't hold back his doubts, so he took the initiative to say that for him, he really needed a very clear answer now.

After Tang Hao heard Zhang Muyi's words, he didn't answer immediately, because for him, he couldn't know what was behind it.

Therefore, Tang Hao kept silent, but they did not sit idle, but conducted research on the seemingly inconspicuous piece of land in front of them.

Zhang Muyi saw such a picture. Although he didn't know what it was for, he immediately squatted down following Tang Hao's actions.

He could immediately feel that there was an extremely strong spiritual energy around this place.

"Tang Hao, I know what's going on, because I can feel it now! Could it be that there are some special aura stones under this piece of land? 35

At this time, Zhang Muyi said very excitedly, he just wanted to tell Tang Hao this news, but it immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

They all learned Tang Hao and Zhang Muyi's movements, and they all squatted on the ground, but they also have extremely high requirements for the induction of these spiritual qi. Those seemingly non-existent auras can be sensed.

The reason why Zhang Muyi was able to sense all the auras at this level of strength was precisely because he had lived in the primeval forest since he was a child, and was able to come into contact with those auras in a short period of time.

"Let's hurry back and tell the Great Elder! With our current strength, we may not be able to sense it very well. It would be best for the Great Elder to solve this matter!

"Yeah, after all, the Great Elder's cultivation base and strength are already so powerful, and he can definitely sense these!"

At this time, there were two of them around, and they were discussing each other. After thinking of this, their actions immediately started to move in one of the directions and rushed back, because they also knew that they had to catch up with Tang Hao. In front of Zhang Muyi and the others, he answered all the mysteries of this series.

They ran fast on the road, and soon they reached the destination they needed to reach. That 100 is precisely one of the most powerful sects in this town now, it is called the Dianxia sect.

And they did not dare to have any delay, and immediately knocked on the door of the first elder.

"What the hell happened, let you talk about it in such a hurry, stop beating around the bush! 39

After seeing that they were his two most beloved apprentices, the first elder immediately took the initiative to ask what was going on.

But obviously he didn't plan to take it to heart, because he just swallowed a bottle of the latest spiritual liquid into his body, and now his cultivation and strength have achieved a great breakthrough.

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