Tang Hao's mouth twitched slightly, he hurried over to Sun Wukong, stretched his arm, put it on Sun Wukong's shoulder, and then glared at Zhu Bajie.

"Brother, don't worry about this, I know where this monster came from, he just took your master away, if I expected it right, he should be the son of the Bull Demon King, Hong. Baby, he has a real fire of three flavors, which is more powerful than the fire in the sky and on the ground, and most people can't put out this fire at all.""

Sun Wukong frowned, thinking seriously, suddenly raised his head, let go of Zhu Bajie's ears, crossed his hands in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that the family didn't know the family, and the water rushed to the Dragon King Temple. If he was told that I was his father's sworn brother, he would definitely let my master go."

Tang Hao didn't want to let Sun Wukong down at this time, but he also had to tell the truth. I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to let Red Boy let go of Monkey King's master. Red Boy has been very independent since childhood and has his own personality.

"Eldest brother, I think this matter is still difficult to handle. If you go to the red boy, he may not believe him. The father will be your sworn brother, otherwise you will go and invite the bull devil. 95

"Yeah, Senior Brother, I think you might as well run and greet the Bull Demon King, and everything will be resolved by then?"

Sora was also pondering in his heart, and finally nodded lightly, a follower of Douyun had disappeared, and immediately headed towards the cave of the Bull Demon King.

Tang Hao found an open space, sat on the ground, held a fan, raised his head while fanning the wind, and glanced at the little girl standing in front of him.

The little girl cautiously walked to Tang Hao's side, and tickled the corner of her mouth gently, still with a flattering smile on her face.

"Otherwise, this girl is not bad, it would be great if she could deceive me back to that place, or else you can take her with you, and we won't have to be afraid of eating and dressing in the future.

"It's better to take her away, I'm at ease by myself, and I'm not going to leave any celery here, this girl should go back to its place.

The leaves in Tang Hao's hands kept shaking.

"Young master, are you thirsty? I have water here. Take a sip first. 35

"No need, girl, I'm not that thirsty yet, so keep the water, you can drink it yourself, I really don't know where you are interested, in fact, I have a lot of problems, if you're okay, hurry back Come home, don't follow me, and I won't have anything to do with you."

The three princesses of Xihai have become particularly aggrieved. I don't know why Tang Hao doesn't like me. He has always been sought after by others. Her beauty and appearance are excellent. It is also special to find a good man. Simple, but always disliked by Tang Hao.

He just opened his mouth and was about to ask a question.

Sun Wukong has come to Tang Hao with the Bull Demon King again and again.

The Bull Demon King was very excited when he saw Tang Hao, and immediately gave Tang Hao a bear hug.

Tang Hao felt that his stomach was about to be crushed, and he hurriedly pushed the Bull Demon King away.

"Brother, stay safe, I didn't expect us to meet here again.

"Yes, brother, since the last time we parted, we haven't seen each other for a long time. If it weren't for this monkey's reason this time, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to meet. 35

Wukong stepped forward in a hurry, and now they are already burning their eyebrows. These two people are still here to reminisce, and they will rescue their master after a while.

"I said that the two of you are almost out of focus. We should hurry to find your son and find my master. If my master is really eaten by your son, don't blame me for not reading brother. Feelings."

The Demon King hurriedly raised his eyebrows, she was just such a son, if Sun Wukong really dealt with her, how would she be better at that time? I didn't expect this red boy to do such a thing and make himself so shameless.

He strode forward, and then walked to Xiao Niu Jing in the cave, seeing the king's father coming, and hurriedly opened the door.

"Grandpa came here before he invited you. Did you get any news? Then we can arrest Tang Seng this time, saying that we want to give you Tang Seng meat, and then you can become an immortal."

As soon as he looked up, he saw that there were still many people behind the king, hurriedly moved out of the way, ran forward quickly, and tipped off to his king.

The Bull Demon King turned around and glanced at Sun Wukong apologetically. This matter seemed to be ironclad, it was not Sun Wukong at all, and he forgot his own son.

But he still thinks about giving his son Xiong an errand, or else he will do something out of the ordinary at that time. Her eyes are carefully looking at Sun Wukong, the way of Sun Wukong, and the gods in the sky. Very secret, if Sun Wukong can ask for an errand for his son, then the son does not need to be in this room.

"Wukong, you can see that your nephew has nothing to do in this room before arresting your master. I think your connections are very wide. Do you want to add an errand for him to save him from making a fortune in the room? One time I beat your master, maybe next time I will make a mess for me. My father is also heartbroken.


Sun Wukong raised his eyebrows, but he felt a special surprise. His relationship with the Bull Demon King was also very deep.

Tang Hao hurriedly walked over to the former Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. It wasn't that there was a shortage of money-losing boys. It just happened that Sun Wukong asked the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for a favor and arranged something for the son of the Bull Demon King.

"Brother, I think this is a good thing, otherwise you should go to Guanyin Bodhisattva, there will definitely be a shortage of people around Guanyin Bodhisattva, and then you will go with the flow and arrange the son of the Bull Demon King by his side and be a Wouldn't it be better for a boy with loose money or something?"5

"Is this okay? I'm afraid Guanyin Bodhisattva will not agree."

Sun Wukong was a little hesitant. He would be happy if he asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for help, but it was not so easy to find something for the red boy. If he was rejected by Guanyin Bodhisattva, he would not lose face.

"Hey, don't worry about this, how would you know if you didn't ask, maybe Guanyin Bodhisattva is still missing such a person, and you have done a good favor, he has to thank you for helping your master to get scriptures from the West in the future, he I don't need to take care of you any more."

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