The sky and the earth instantly turned into a dazzling white, and then Tang Hao didn't have any consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, when Tang Hao woke up again, when he opened his eyes, he found that the surroundings were dark.

"What the hell is this place? Why doesn't this system play cards every time!"

Tang Hao couldn't help cursing, what does "one-one-seven" mean when he appeared in a desert in the middle of the night inexplicably?

Tang Hao still doesn't know what kind of world this is, but he can't just lie here and wait to die! He patted the dust on his body and stood up.

"Ding Dong, the system has detected that the host is awake, welcome the host to the fantasy world!"

Tang Hao unknowingly frowned, he just left from Journey to the West, and now he's back in the fantasy world. Now it's a lot of fun!

After the last experience, Tang Hao did not continue to ask the system, and let himself explore everything about this fantasy world slowly.

While there was still a little moonlight, Tang Hao walked quickly in the desert.

Fortunately, he was only on the edge of the desert, and the system was more conscientious and did not leave him in the center of the desert.

In this way, you can probably walk out of the desert for an hour or two.

Walking and walking, Tang Hao only felt that his mouth was dry, and it was really impossible to drink without water in this desert! The sky slowly began to light up.

His guess was right, after two hours, Tang Hao finally walked out of the desert!

The first thing that catches the eye is a group of strange buildings, which are very different from the buildings Tang Hao has seen before. How should I put it, the buildings here have an exotic feeling.

It's too late to think about that, Tang Hao just wants to drink a sip of water now, his lips are a little cracked because he is already thirsty.

When I walked in, it looked like a small town. In the early morning, many hawkers were coming and going in the downtown area, and Tang Hao directly entered a small shop next to it.

"Boss! Give me a bowl of water first! Give me something to eat, I'm starving to death! 99

The boss is a big man with a full beard and looks very sturdy.

He looked at Tang Hao, his eyes were wretched and cold, and the boss immediately realized that this Tang Hao was an outsider..0

At this moment, Tang Hao doesn't know that the boss has regarded him as a big fish.

"This guest official, we have good beef here, but the price may be a little expensive due to the lack of materials recently, and I don't know if you want to try it? 35

Tang Hao waved his hand without hesitation.

"Get them all up, hurry up!"

Tang Hao has no concept of money at all. What is his identity? Does he need to give money to eat?

The bearded boss smiled sinisterly, and then immediately ordered the back kitchen to serve the dishes.

Soon, the hot beef and good wine and a bowl of water were served, and Tang Hao immediately started to eat.

After drinking 1.5 full meals, Tang Hao wiped his mouth and stood up and walked towards the door.

"This guest officer, do you want to eat Bawang's meal? I'll give you thirty taels of silver for your meal first!"

Before reaching the door, Tang Hao was blocked by the bearded boss.

Tang Hao didn't even think about it, raised his hand and slapped the boss on the forehead, the bearded boss instantly fell to the ground and bleeds, and the diners in the store fled everywhere.

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