Tang Hao doesn't want to talk anymore. Now the conversation has become more and more hypocritical. If this person really wants to send someone to help him, it is impossible at all. The reason why he asked himself to help him is not because he is afraid The other party talks about the agreement.

That's why he let Tang Hao go, because Tang Hao is not from the Demon Race, and he is about to set off now. He actually said such a thing with dignity. Tang Hao has never looked down on this kind of person.

"Forget it, I don't need anyone to escort me, as long as you don't forget your promise, don't say you don't know me when I come to you again in the future!

Tang Hao doubts that this person can really do such a thing. After all, the world is full of wonders, and this person looks very cunning. It is normal for him to do such a thing.

"Tang Hao, no matter how we say it, we've hit it off. My Nightmare is definitely not the kind of person who doesn't care about words. This time, it's all up to you!"

Tang Hao doesn't know where the Terran is, so now he still needs someone to lead him, and then suddenly remembered the guy in rags that he caught before, so he just let that guy lead him. .

"I don't know the way. Let the guy who caught me last time lead the way. I think he is quite familiar with the outside world, and he is the first person I am familiar with. I don't know each other! 99

Tang Hao said this, the nightmare immediately ordered someone to do it quickly, and the person who had arrested Tang Hao before appeared in the palace with a blank face.

Tang Hao clearly remembers that this guy's name is Man Zun. Thinking about it now, Man Zun is actually just his name. He doesn't have any title at all. Thinking about it this way, this guy is quite good at taking names. , Even Tang Hao thought he was some kind of character.

Man Zun looked at Tang Hao standing there with a puzzled look on his face, this guy killed people, why is he still standing here now, it is reasonable to say that the origin of this place is unknown, and the people who killed people are all A lifetime in prison (cabf).

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in a dungeon? 99

Tang Hao smiled and didn't speak, at this time Nightmare said it immediately.

"You can't be rude, Tang Hao is our honored guest here, so don't hurry up and say hello to him!

Hearing what Nightmare said, Man Zun had a very wonderful expression on his face, and he felt very unbelievable. You must know that this guy is a murderer. Why did the murderer suddenly become a guest, even if he didn't chop off his head? Shouldn't be a guest.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid you don't know that this guy killed the owner of the small shop, and he kept yelling. I finally got him back. How could he be a guest?"

Man Zun usually never talks back, but this time he really can't figure out how this Tang Hao has become a passer-by in the barren land. The development of this plot seems to be a little too fast.

Tang Hao said with a smile.

"We really don't know each other, but for the sake of eating and drinking here, I won't blame you. I have already said that the people I kill are all bad people. It's all damn people! 35

Tang Hao paused and continued.

"You don't know what the shop owner did. You are so ineffective in supervising, do you still blame me for killing! Nightmare, is this how you control it? I really want to know!"

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