Tang Hao looked at the human who was talking just now. This human looks like 21 or 2 years old. His eyes are very clear and he looks very smart. He must have found the clothes on Tang Hao's body, which is accustomed to the demons. The clothes they wear are different, so this question is raised.

Tang Hao likes to deal with smart people the most, he smiled and said meaningfully.

"There are so many people here, but you are the only one who has more brains. For the sake of you being so smart, I will tell you reluctantly, I am indeed not from the Demon Race, and I am indeed from the Demon Race. Come here, I'm the guest of their nightmare!

As soon as the words fell, these human races took out their big knives in unison, and each big knife was aimed at Tang Hao. When they heard that this person was a guest of the demons' nightmare, they could no longer calm down.

The wise human race took a deep breath, and he eased his tone and said.

"Since you are a guest of Nightmare, why did you come to the realm of my human race? You should know the story between the demon race and the human race! Your behavior is too risky!"

Looking at these human races with big knives in their hands, their average age is very young, Tang Hao paused and said word by word.

"Put down the big sword in your hands, you are not my opponent either, your boss is lying there, do you also want to be broken by me? Today this is just a simple lesson, in the future you people There is no need to show off here again! 35

Tang Hao finally got to the point. At this time, the smart human race probably realized what Tang Hao meant. He took a deep breath and asked~.

"It turns out that the people of the Demon Race sent you here. No wonder, after so many years, the people of the Demon Race have never crossed the border. Today, you are the first person to come from the Demon Race!"

Tang Hao thought for a while, there must be some kind of story between the demons and the humans, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten to this level.

Although the Nightmare man has no brains, he is very slick and smooth. It is impossible to ask something out of his mouth. In comparison, these human races are easier to control.

In this way, if you want to find out the whole story, you must start from the Terran side, but just now he has broken the bridge of the Terran's nose, and now this group of people is holding a big knife at him, is it difficult? Are you going to get caught in a dungeon again?

・・0 flowers・

Thinking of this, Tang Hao immediately dismissed the idea. He never wants to go to prison in his life. The dungeon is smelly and damp, and the food he eats is hard to swallow. It is better to kill him if he goes in again. Got it.

Let's just go with the flow and take a step by step! Just as Tang Hao was about to speak, the guy with the broken nose endured the pain and stood up. He covered the bridge of his nose, looked at Tang Hao in disbelief, and then said.

"The people of the Demon Race are too untrustworthy, and they actually let an unknown person deal with our Human Race. He has violated the original agreement! They are clearly afraid that the world will not be in chaos! Go back and tell you about the nightmare, from today onwards, We will never forgive again!

This guy looks quite imposing, and every time he speaks, the volume is particularly high, but it is useless to speak loudly. In this era, it depends on the ability.

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