The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 24 The Smiley Tiger

After finally arriving at the gate of the palace, Tang Hao turned around and saw that the white-bearded old man had disappeared without a trace. so-called.

Just when Tang Hao was thinking about whether he should fly over or break in, the gate of the palace opened, and a group of human guards respectfully welcomed Tang Hao into the palace.

Good guy, not to mention the strength of this human race, the boss of this human race is quite a man, knowing that an uninvited guest is coming, so he made so many preparations in advance.

Compared to that nightmare, it's not very good at being a human being. I remember that when Meng Yan first met Tang Hao, he let his subordinates, the magic sound, fight.

Under the leadership of these guards, Tang Hao came to the palace of the human race after a long circle.

Everyone left. Tang Hao took a deep breath and walked in with great strides.

There is no one above the hall, only a simple and honest-looking, short and chubby person.

Looking at this short, chubby, honest-looking man Tang Hao fell into suspicion. Could it be that this is the boss of the human race? This is too lacking in the temperament of the boss.

"Tang Hao, welcome to my palace!"

Tang Hao was really surprised when this short, chubby man said these words. He thought that the bosses were generally as handsome as him, but he didn't expect that there are people with such a low face value. .

Tang Hao smiled awkwardly, then said.

"It turns out that you are the boss of the human race.

"That's right, it's me. You can call me your honor. You must have worked hard for you to come from a long way. I asked the chef to prepare good dishes for a long time. Let's chat while eating?"

This so-called honorable person is too enthusiastic, so Tang Hao can't help but be vigilant, he waved his hand and said.

"That's not necessary. Let's talk about it first. As for eating and drinking, it depends on how we talk!"


The short and chubby Zun hesitated for a while, then continued to smile, he coughed twice and said.

"Also, you are a distinguished guest, what you say is what you say!"

Tang Hao looked around for 4 weeks. This big store is very big, and it must be full of people. Maybe because of his own reasons, he specially evacuated other idle people, not to mention anything else, that's all. Quite caring.

Since the human race is so attentive, Tang Hao's mood is also a little better. He found a chair, sat down swaggeringly, and said in a relaxed tone.

"I think you are a very smart person. You should have known why I came here, right? Although I don't know what kind of grievances there are between the demons and the humans, I promised Nightmare and told your people not to Provocation at the border again.35

As soon as these words were said, Zun Shang's face was immediately pulled down. Although there was no fierce expression, it still looked quite complicated.

"Tang Hao, this matter is actually not as simple as you think. The grudges and hatred between us and the demons have lasted for a hundred years. The reason why I do this is because of my difficulties, and I hope you will not interfere. ."

Tang Hao always thought that the boss of this human race was particularly easy to pass up, but now it seems that this is actually a smiling tiger, smiling on the surface, but he will never give in when he speaks.

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