Before Xiaodao could speak, the dragon clan Ao Fu snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

"I thought that their human race was really gone. It seems that this little apprentice is still coming out. Is that honor really scared? His apprentices are here, but he himself avoids being so greedy for life and fear of death. ?

Although Xiaodao was afraid in his heart, he couldn't let others say his master.

You must know that one day is a teacher and a lifelong father, if even his own master can be trampled on like this at will, then his Xiaodao as an apprentice is too shameless.

"Ao Fu! What nonsense are you talking about? My master is just too busy to take care of you! For a small character like you, do you still use my master to come in person!"

Although he said so on his mouth, don't mention how nervous he is in his heart. Sometimes when a person speaks harsh words, it depends on his strength. People without strength will naturally have no confidence when they say harsh words. , Tang Hao saw this clearly.

Ao Fu didn't want to waste any more time, and he directly pointed out his purpose.

"I don't care if your master is busy or not, I'll just say it straight, this time I'm here, if I don't have 3 million taels of silver, I will never leave! If you don't hand over the money, we will burn you all today. In this place, you humans have no place to shelter from the wind and rain!

Hearing these words, Tang Hao sneered in his heart. He didn't expect there would be robbers in this fantasy world, and he would burn down the entire town for a mere 3 million taels of silver. Are these people so mad? It seems true It's a lack of money, it's lacking to a certain level, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Xiaodao was extremely nervous at this moment, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Tang Hao on the side.

Tang Hao thought to himself, this is also the time for him to stand up (cabf), after all, this Xiaodao is still young, and he is a little apprentice, and he has no skills. If he doesn't stand up again, this guy will I am afraid you will be terrified.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and raised his volume.

"Don't say 3 million taels of silver, even three taels of silver will never be given to you. If you say you want to set fire to this place, of course I believe it, but it also depends on whether you have the ability or not. I am here. If you want to burn this place, dream!"

Ao Fu's four popular eyes are about to straighten, who is this stranger in front of them, they have stayed in this small town for a long time before, but they have never seen this person.

"Who are you? We have never seen you here. If you are not from the human race, please shut up and don't interfere with everything. You will regret it then!"

Tang Hao smiled.

"I don't know if I don't regret it later, but I know that the one who regrets must be you, definitely not me! 99

The atmosphere became more and more irritable, the knife on the side, the tense atmosphere did not dare to come out, and Ao Fu didn't want to grind any more. The last time he suffered a loss, it was because he was not fully prepared last time. , and this time he was ready.

This time, this guy has been cultivating painstakingly for a long time after being kicked out here, and he has also found helpers. With these help, he came to this small town again.

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