When Ao Fu thought of this, he was relieved, everything was no longer important, let's save his own life first.

"We'll have an appointment later!"

Leaving this sentence and taking his companions, they disappeared in front of Tang Hao without looking back. Looking at the backs of these people, Tang Hao shook his head helplessly. In such a world, there is no point Don't learn from other people's skills.

When Tang Hao turned around and came "One Three Three", he found that the knife behind him was looking at him with a look of admiration, Tang Hao asked curiously.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Haven't you seen other people fighting? Logically speaking, your master shouldn't be a fuel-efficient lamp!

Xiaodao came back to his senses, he sighed leisurely, and said word by word.

"We were very powerful in the past, but since the nightmare set a trap for the master, the master is not as powerful as before!

Hearing these words, Tang Hao probably knew something in his heart.

It's no wonder that the people of the demon race and the people of the human race have never dealt with it. It turns out that there are so many insiders behind it, and I don't know what kind of trap the nightmare has set on him, so that he is not as powerful as before.

"Then I'm curious, what kind of trap did your master fall into? That nightmare doesn't look like that kind of villain!"

Tang Hao asked this question, the childish knife said indignantly.

"Speaking of this, I'm angry, but the people of the demon race, under the guise of reconciliation with us, my master believed it naively, but they didn't think that the nightmare didn't want to make peace with us at all, When the master was defenseless, he actually gave the master their own secret poison!

Xiaodao paused and continued.

"It is because of this that Master's poisonous qi attack has been slowed down for two years, and his internal strength has not fully recovered."

Hearing these words, Tang Hao felt a little mixed in his heart. He really didn't expect that these two big groups that were recruited well would be so troubled now. That nightmare is really unscrupulous, and even the means of poisoning can be done. Come out, it's really not polite at all.

It's no wonder that he appeared here today, and the gentleman was so polite. It seems that he was not born with enthusiasm, but because he knew that his internal strength had not fully recovered, so he did not dare to act rashly. City House..0

But then again, why didn't the venerable tell him about such a big thing just now? If he said this matter just now, it would definitely be good for him, but he kept his mouth shut, and there must be something in it. What's the trick.

Tang Hao didn't want to worry about these things anymore, everything was done, and it was better to go back quickly.

"Okay, it seems that the matter of your two ethnic groups is not as simple as I thought, let's go back first, your master should be in a hurry now, go back and tell him the news first!

The two returned to the palace at the fastest speed, and as soon as they entered the door, they were greeted by 1.5.

"How's it going? Have those guys gone? If they dare to shout outside again, I will do everything I can to make it easier for them. If I had known that they were like this, I shouldn't have let them go last time. , To be soft-hearted towards the enemy is to be cruel to oneself, this sentence is absolutely true!"5

He said so much by himself.

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