The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 38 Midnight Interrogation

At this time, Tang Hao could hear it more clearly. This was the voice of a man. This man seemed to have been through a lot of torture, so his voice was hoarse, and the sound of begging for mercy was horrifying.

Fortunately, Tang Hao is not an ordinary person who needs to change. Ordinary people will be scared to death when they hear such a voice in the middle of the night.

After walking for a long distance, Tang Hao found that it seemed to be a place where prisoners were being held, but this was not surprising at all. Only in such a place would torture prisoners in the middle of the night.

After finally arriving at the door of the prison where the prisoners were being held, the two guards immediately stopped Tang Hao's steps.

"Dear Tang Hao, what are you doing? Our king has already instructed that no one can enter without authorization.

I didn't expect these two little soldiers, 133, to know him. It seems that Zun has done a good job of kung fu. He must have already said hello, so everyone knows that there is a Tang Hao in the palace. people.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and said impatiently.

"You tortured a prisoner here in the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep at all because of the noise. I want to go in and see what kind of prisoner is worth fighting in the middle of the night. Does your boss know your behavior?

The two soldiers were too scared to say anything (cabf), but they heard about Tang Hao's glorious deeds today. Tang Hao is now an honored guest in the entire palace. How dare a few small soldiers and generals offend such a distinguished guest.

The two smiled and said respectfully.

"Respected Tang Hao, I'm really sorry, because that's what the people above have arranged, so at this point in time, as people under our command, we can only do things according to the arrangements of the people above, and we may accidentally quarrel with you. Now, you Haihan.""

Tang Hao rolled his eyes helplessly and said so, but if it disturbs their sleep, no one will be able to help Haihan.

You must know that sleep is very important. If you can't get a good night's sleep, you will definitely be lethargic on the second day. Thinking of this, Tang Hao snorted and said a little angrily.

"I can forgive you. It affects my sleep in the middle of the night, but the premise is that you must let me in to see what happened. If I don't even understand what happened, my temper is very grumpy. "

Seeing that the honored guest in front of him was about to lose his temper, these two little soldiers didn't know what to do for a while. The two of them had no identity. Standing in front of such a distinguished guest, they became even more panicked.

Tang Hao felt the panic of these two people for the first time, he smiled and continued.

"I'm not a king either, so I can understand your feelings very well, or else, you quietly walk away, I just need to go in and have a look, only you and I know about this matter, and I won't tell it either. Your Excellency, isn't this a great joy? 35

The two small soldiers looked at it, and the two of them seemed to think that this is the best way now, so they simply nodded, anyway, this is only once, and this Tang Hao is not an outsider, let him go in and see it should not lose anything. .

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