If it really becomes like this, let alone want to be a general, I am afraid that the food and safety will become a problem in the future. What he can't accept is that he is taking such a big risk to come here to do these things, all for the sake of The Demon Race, and the Demon Race finally wanted to kill him.

After sitting on the ground for a long time, the condor still held a glimmer of hope.

"These are just our guesses. I don't think the boss will do it "one-fifty". The boss will definitely come up with other ways!""

Tang Hao didn't speak. He didn't know if the nightmare would come up with other solutions, but now that it was almost dawn, they could go to the main hall at this time.

"Get ready. You didn't sleep last night, and you were tortured like this again. No matter what you say in a while, you have to keep your spirits. You must concentrate, understand."

The most critical step was immediately reached. The Condor stumbled to his feet and stood up from the ground. He was a little unsteady, but in Tang Hao's opinion, his current state was already very good. .

"I'll see you in a while, don't say anything, just listen to me.

After everything was settled, Tang Hao left the dungeon with this stumbling condor. Just after he got out of the dungeon, the dazzling sunlight shone on the faces of the two people. After leaving this hell-like dungeon, he could see the sun again.

That is, at this moment, Shen Ying suddenly had an idea, instead of living his life in a turbulent way like before, there will be people who will be killed and silenced in the end, maybe it is better to be a free person.

To be honest, he admires Nightmare very much, but Nightmare didn't appear when he was tortured, but a stranger like Tang Hao appeared. A stranger couldn't bear to suffer so much, let alone them. The demons themselves.

Thinking of this, he was still a little unconvinced, and he always had the feeling that someone else was using it as a gun.

With these emotions, the two appeared outside the hall of the human race. What Tang Hao didn't know was that the general had come to report the situation long before them. After all, that kid was quite afraid of death, so it was better to let Tang Hao come by himself. To tell, it is better for him to report first..0

While standing at the door, Tang Hao turned his head and said to the condor.

"I don't care how strong your temper is. Now you are someone else's prisoner. When you meet the boss of the family, you must be polite, don't say anything, if you are angry, otherwise I really can't keep you!"

At this moment, Zun had already heard the voice of Tang Hao and the others talking outside, and he simply raised the volume and said loudly.

"Tang Hao, since you came so early, why didn't you come in? If you have something to say, let's talk about it. You can't tell for a while outside, what do you think?"

When they heard this voice, Tang Hao and Shen Ying were both stunned for a moment. Tang 1.5 Hao quickly eased his tone and immediately took this guy into the hall.

As soon as he entered the door, Tang Hao saw Zun Shang was pulling his face. This guy who seemed to be kind on weekdays was full of anger and incomprehension today.

"Your Excellency, I really didn't expect you to get up so early, originally I thought we would disturb your sleep, but now it doesn't seem to bother you.

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