Tang Hao's words changed.

"Why don't you do this, I'll give you some money, you can find a place to take care of your injuries first, and then carefully consider whether you want to follow me during this period of time, until your injuries are healed, and your mind will recover. Come find me again!"9

When I first heard Tang Hao say this, Condor was 100 unwilling.

"Brother Tang Hao, although I have suffered such torture, my mind is very clear, I know what I am talking about, and I also know what I am doing. I can be responsible for my words and deeds. No gibberish!

Tang Hao just smiled and didn't speak. Looking at Tang Hao's eyes so complicated, Shen Ying decided to accept Tang Hao's opinion.

"Brother Tang Hao, since you insist on doing it like this, then I will prove it to you. I did make this decision when I was sober. I agree with your request just now. I will find a place to recuperate. , I will come to you in a month, and then you can no longer refuse to let me be your apprentice!"

Good guy, this condor finally agreed to this request, Tang Hao was relieved, if he really became this guy's master, then I don't know how much trouble will there be in the future? Although Tang Hao is not afraid of trouble but his time is very tight, and he doesn't want to waste it on such trivial matters.

Tang Hao said nothing and took out some gold from his pocket.

"You can keep this money on your body and use it as a mess. When you think about it clearly, you won't regret it. You can come to me later. As for the nightmare, you can stay away for now, but don't use me as a pretense!

The condor took the money with trembling hands. In his heart, Tang Hao was now his reborn parent. All the promises made by Nightmare were void. For the demons, he had done his best.

Holding the money in his hand, the condor bowed respectfully towards Tang Hao, then turned around and disappeared in front of Tang Hao.

In fact, to be honest, Tang Hao doesn't know if this guy will come to him, but now the stone in his heart has finally fallen to the ground, he has done what he promised, and finally he will get rid of this entangled guy. gone.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, not to mention how relaxed it is at this moment, let's take a good look at the site of this human race, this site looks pretty good, it's always good to know more about it.

After resting for a while, Tang Hao left the palace and started walking around this small town. It can be seen that Zun Shang has controlled the place very well. There are basically no so-called black shops or other traders. The people seem to be very down-to-earth and very loyal.

Tang Hao silently compared in 150's heart. Compared with the demons, this place is really like heaven. He doesn't know what the nightmare is. Also ignored.

To put it in a bad way, such a person becomes a king, which makes people laugh and laugh. He can't even manage the most basic management, so how can he fight against the family?

Walking and walking, Tang Hao unknowingly came to the suburbs, the scenery in the suburbs was okay, and the air was very fresh. While Tang Hao was enjoying all this, an uninvited guest appeared again.

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