Under Tang Hao's questioning, Ao Fu took a deep breath and said word by word.

"Before I tell you the truth, I must let you understand one thing, that is, the reason why I choose to tell you everything is not because I have nowhere to go, but because I want to follow a powerful people around.”

Good guy, for this sake, this guy is still talking about this, in fact, he doesn't need to say it, Tang Hao also knows in his heart that what he said just now is just superficial.

"It's alright, alright, I'm the person who hates Momo Haw people the most, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't waste time!

Ao Fu knew that if he continued to grumble like this, he might give Tang Hao a bad impression, he simply said.

"The Demons will lead their troops to attack the Human Palace in 15 days."


Tang Hao couldn't believe his ears, the demons are going to attack the humans? Is this true? If this is true, then the demons are too self-aware, not to mention anything else, no matter from the From any point of view, their current strength is not as strong as anyone's family.

Ao Fu noticed immediately that Tang Hao didn't seem to believe in this matter, and he continued calmly.

"Brother Tang Hao, have you forgotten that Zun Shang is still different now? He was poisoned, and the toxins on his body have not been completely eliminated, so the nightmare decided to attack the human race at this time, which is a good time for him. Great opportunity in location."!"

To be honest, if this guy from the dragon family hadn't reminded Tang Hao that Tang Hao even forgot that Zun Shang was still injured, and Xiaodao had said before that Zun Shang was injured, it was all because of the nightmare.

In this connection, everything was done by Mengyan, in order to let others get poisoned, and then bring troops to attack the human race. Although this operation sounds okay, it is indeed a little too kind when you think about it carefully. .

That nightmare had pretended to be very innocent in front of Tang Hao before, but now it seems that anyone in this world may be innocent, but he is the nightmare of the demons, and he is definitely not innocent.

Tang Hao couldn't help taking a deep breath. What Ao Fu said was indeed a big news. If he hadn't met Ao Fu today, Tang Hao would definitely be out of the human race after 15 days.

At that time, once the demons lead their troops to attack the human race, the human race will only have a chance to die.

"" Big Brother Tang Hao, do you want to tell Zun Shang about this?"

Ao Fu pulled Tang Hao back from his thoughts and looked at his uneasy eyes. Tang Hao thought about it, this guy actually has such important news, so he can use this information to exchange for money.

But why didn't this Ao Fu do this? Was he lying just now?

Tang Hao coughed twice and asked word by word.

"You should know what I want to ask you now, right? Why don't you tell your lord this information in person? This information is so important, if you tell him, he will give you some money when he is happy. , you and your companions don't have to loot everywhere."

Ao Fu sighed faintly. It's not that he didn't think about doing this, but he knew what the consequences would be if he was discovered.

He had no backer before, so how could he dare to offend the Nightmare of the Demon Race?

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