In fact, for Ao Fu, being able to follow Tang Hao's side, he has already burned high incense, so no matter what conditions Tang Hao puts forward, he will basically agree.

"Brother Tang Hao, what you said just now, I must take it as a motto and memorize it by heart! From today onwards, we will be on the same boat. In any case, although I am not your apprentice, I will You are a master! 39

Tang Hao snorted coldly, this guy shouldn't mess around with relationships, he wants to be his Tang Hao's apprentice, he is still a little tender.

"Don't yell here! The thing I hate the most is that people mess with relationships! I tell you, let me correct all of your speculations, and follow me in the future as long as you are an upright person!"

Ao Fu nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice. Now he finally has a backer, and the days will be better in the future. What if he leaves the Dragon Clan?

The matter has developed to this point, Tang Hao must think about the next step, this guy has extorted the Terran again and again, and now that he wants to take him by his side, he will definitely take him back to the Terran Palace. .

In this way, I am afraid that this matter will be a little difficult to handle. I have just let go of a condor, and if I bring Ao Fu back now, I don't know what the expression of the honorable person will be.

Although in Tang Hao's heart, that respect is nothing at all, but after all, this is someone else's territory, and it can't be too much out of politeness.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao suddenly thought about the matter of the demons going to attack the human, so let's just use this information as the key to open the door~.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, and he turned to look at Ao Fu and said word by word.

"I'll take you back to the Human Race Palace in a while. I don't need to tell you about some things. You should also know that the lord definitely doesn't like seeing you. Of course, I'll definitely listen to your good words, but you have to show it yourself. !39

As soon as Ao Fu heard this, he immediately became nervous. To be honest, he used to come to the Human Race every time to do something. At that time, he had no idea, but now he suddenly wants to become a friend with the enemy. This kind of change Makes him a little unacceptable.

In the past, every time I met with Zun Shang, Ao Fu always looked aloof, and he always said things that made people uncomfortable. When the site comes, how can I feel comfortable in my heart?

··0 Flowers·...

But things have come to this point, Ao Fu can only bite the bullet and say.

"Brother Tang Hao, don't worry, since I've decided to submit to you, I actually took it into consideration, but I forgot to tell you one thing just now.


Although Ao Fu betrayed the Dragon Clan, he has always been very loyal to his two companions. Now that he has a good backer, he naturally cannot forget the two companions. After all, he is not even full of food. They were in trouble together in those days.

"I still have two companions. You should have met them last time. I came to find your two companions today. Although I don't know, they both admire you very much. Brother Tang Hao, you shouldn't mind having two more subordinates. ?

Tang Hao was blown away in an instant, good guy, he knew that this kid had a lot of tricks, but he didn't expect this kid to be so shameless, he was just a man of inch and inch.

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