"See Your Honor!

As soon as we met, Ao Fu knelt down on the ground in a very fashionable manner. This move made Zun Shang a little surprised. Wasn't this kid still very arrogant before? Why is he kneeling on the ground as soon as we meet? .

However, Zunshang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He is not the kind of person who can be coaxed with a slap in the face and candy. People like him have a deep sense of shrewdness.

Zun Shang sneered quietly.

"What kind of wind is blowing 20 today? How come even Ao Fu of the Dragon Clan has blown into my palace? Ao Fu, are you not able to eat again, and you still want to blackmail me?"

Zun Shang's words were full of ridicule, and Ao Fu's face was flushed. He wished he could find a crack on the spot to get in, but he had no choice, so he could only bite the bullet.

"Your Majesty, I did do a lot of bad things in the past. I'm here to apologize to you this time. For those things I did in the past, I hope you will forgive me if you have a lot of them?"

Your Excellency was even more surprised, this guy actually came to apologize, could it be that Tang Hao beat him up and forced him to apologize, but thinking about it is not right, Tang Hao always said that he was very busy, He couldn't be idle enough to even care about such things.

Zun Shang came back to his senses, and he looked down at Ao Fu and said coldly.

"Our human race is very vengeful. You have done so many things to hurt the human race, and when I was not in the palace to blackmail my people, you can't just forgive me. If I forgive you, Then the people under me will definitely not be happy!"5

Zun Shang's meaning has been clearly expressed, he just doesn't want to give Ao Fu this chance, although I don't know why Tang Hao brought this guy into the palace, but when dealing with such a former enemy, Zun Shang can It won't give a good face at all.

Ao Fu was instantly embarrassed, and this scene was ten thousand times more embarrassing than he imagined.

Now he is in a dilemma. It seems inappropriate to continue to apologize. It is naturally impossible to stand up and walk. It is really embarrassing.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more awkward, Tang Hao smiled and broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, why do I think you're being a bit rude? It's said that the prodigal son can't get his money back. You must have heard of this sentence. Ao Fu has indeed done a lot of bad things, but now people don't Did you come to apologize too? 99

Zun Shang took a deep breath, Tang Hao finally spoke, he thought he would keep silent all the time.

"Tang Hao, as our honored guest, I really don't know why you are so worried? What this guy does is outrageous just by talking about it, don't worry about it! 35

Tang Hao continued to smile, he brought people with him, how can he say no to it, this is not his Tang Hao's style, since everyone has already come, then give him all the things to do Finished, otherwise sleep at night will not be at ease.

"Your Highness, let me tell you this, Ao Fu is now on the same boat as me, and I also feel very shameless about what he did in the past, so I brought him here to meet you. Apologize, and I will give back the money he extorted!"

Tang Hao is really sincere.

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