The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 84 The Brave Little Soldier

Just when these little soldiers and generals were discussing endlessly, Tang Hao appeared in front of them.

It was the first time these little soldiers met Tang Hao face to face, and they closed their mouths immediately after they had been chattering all the time. No one dared to speak more at this time.

"Why don't you continue to talk? Didn't you just say very vigorously? I know you don't understand my behavior very much, but I don't need anyone to understand when I do things, and from now on no one is allowed to Discuss again, understand!


The soldiers said this, but they were still muttering in their hearts. After all, they managed to seize this opportunity. If they fail to fight back, the demons will definitely come to trouble again, and no one wants to have any more trouble. 2nd time~.

One of the soldiers looked to be only about 16 years old, and was lanky all over - all over with tendons.

"I have a question I want to- ask.

Everyone present was stunned. What happened to this guy? How could he be the only one who dared to stand up?

Tang Hao looked back and saw that the hairy boy in front of him caught his attention. After all, there are so many soldiers here. If this guy dares to speak up, it shows that he is very courageous.

"Just say anything, I, Tang Hao, are not someone who doesn't listen to other people's opinions."

The little soldier thought thoughtfully for a long time, and he finally asked with gritted teeth.

"Brother, what should we do if we don't kill them all now and come back to us later? Your Honor once told us that war will affect many things, so we don't like war at all, and we can do it all at once. When things are resolved, why continue to procrastinate?

As soon as the little soldier said these words, there was an uproar in the audience, and everyone gave a thumbs up. This guy is really talented, and he dared to say what everyone was thinking.

The Zun on the side took a deep breath.

"Whose soldier are you, you little soldier! Why don't you discipline me properly, how can you come out and talk nonsense at this critical time, drag it down and hit me with 20 big boards!"

Just as the little soldiers were about to be captured, Tang Hao stopped them.

"Whoever moves this little soldier is against me! If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!"

・・0 flowers・

Tang Hao said this, and the people on the side didn't dare to move, but now things have become more complicated, and they don't know what the situation is.

The little soldier shivered nervously. Looking at his appearance, Tang Hao smiled knowingly. This guy will definitely become a great player in the future.

This kind of courage alone is something that no one else has. It is not so simple to want to be a successful bird.

Tang Hao looked at the little soldier in front of him with a half-smile, he coughed twice and asked.

"You are very good, I am also surprised that you can ask such a question, but since you asked me, I will definitely answer you. I also thought about your question just now, and I will definitely give it to you. You have a satisfactory answer!

The little soldier was simply flattered. He never thought that Tang Hao would be so friendly. If it were someone else, he would have turned his face a long time ago.

"I don't know if I should call you eldest brother or general. In short, I apologize first for my recklessness, but these questions I raised are also questions that everyone doubts." People.

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