The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 88 The Protection Umbrella

It's just that now everyone still doesn't know when the demons will lead their troops to attack, and whether or not to inform the common people in advance, this is indeed a technical task, and after thinking about it, I still can't make up my mind.

"Brother Tang Hao, have you decided when we are going to appease the common people? After all, it is still unknown for the demons, if appeasing too early may be counterproductive!

Tang Hao rolled his eyes helplessly. He really doesn't know how this guy is the boss of the human race. The human family has a huge family. Although he is not the most powerful boss, he has ruled this small town for a long time. , Why can't you make up your mind about such a small thing?

You must know that as a leader, the most important quality 163 should have is decisiveness. When others are helpless, you can stand up and turn the tide, so as to establish your own prestige.

And this honored person now looks like a helpless fool, he has to ask himself for instructions on everything, Tang Hao really feels a little tired.

But there is no way, who let himself take down this mess, even if he is tired, he has to bite the bullet and support it.

"You are thinking too much. Everything should be done as soon as possible, to appease the people as soon as possible, and give them a little time (cabf) to be mentally prepared. As I said, you should go now and deal with this matter as soon as possible. Implement it well, and get down to it sooner!

After hearing what Tang Hao said, Zun Shang took Ao Fu out of the house. This task must be very time-consuming to execute. There are so many residents here, but thinking about running around for one night, it should be almost enough. .

After the two left, Tang Hao silently found a quiet place and sat down, thinking about what would happen if he met that Demon Venerable one day.

Although Tang Hao didn't have a deep friendship with the Nightmare of the Demon Race, but Nightmare is the first person Tang Hao met in the fantasy world. Will you become an enemy in the future?

Thinking about these questions, Tang Hao decided to take a look at the surrounding terrain first. He had enough confidence in the people of the demon race and would definitely not cross the city gate, but Tang Hao was not very familiar with the places outside the city gate.

A cautious person like Tang Hao, without full certainty, will never take it lightly, so the top priority is that he must understand the surrounding terrain.

In fact, if it was someone else, I'm afraid he would only ask his subordinates to bring a map and watch TV, but Tang Hao is not such a perfunctory person, he has to do everything himself, although the demons are not worth it. mention, but Tang Hao doesn't take it lightly either.

After all, in a war, anything can happen, and only by making perfect preparations can the battle go smoothly.

Soon Tang Hao came to the outside of the city gate. In order not to frighten the snake, he chose to take a detour, so he basically did not encounter any suspicious people along the way.

I have to say that this human site is really a geomantic treasure. In addition to the beautiful scenery, the terrain here is also very good. Those mountains are natural protective umbrellas.

The Demon Venerable must have known it long ago.

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