Since the first time she heard about Tang Hao, Xiaoqing has already made a secret promise. She vowed to marry the most powerful man in the world since she was a child. Tang Hao is this person.

"Who said I'm your sister, I don't want to be your sister, if you want to say that again, then you can go back by yourself, don't worry about me!"

Xiaoqing pouted and looked angry. Tang Hao only felt that the monk who was two feet tall was confused. Wasn't he just fine after "One Six Three"? Why did he suddenly turn his face?

It seems that this woman is indeed the most incomprehensible creature in the world, and turning her face is like turning a book, there is no sign of it at all.

Although Tang Hao didn't know where he was wrong, he still wanted to coax Xiaoqing.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, you don't want to be my sister, then don't be my sister, let's go back quickly, I still have things to deal with when I go back!"

Xiaoqing raised her head and looked at Tang Hao's handsome face. She wanted to be sullen for a while. She knew in his heart that Tang Hao was someone who did great things, and she must not be a trouble for Tang Hao.

"Let's go!"

The little girl finally let go, the stone in Tang Hao's heart finally fell to the ground, and the two walked side by side and returned to the human palace.

As soon as I entered the gate of the palace, I met Zunshang and Ao Fu who had just returned from outside. Zunshang was still thinking about how to continue to convince the villagers, but when he looked up, he saw his sister Xiaoqing and Tang Hao Together, and the two were talking and laughing, his whole head was about to explode.

"Your Highness, how are you doing what I asked you to do? Is it going well?"

Tang Hao didn't think so much, but at this moment, Zun Shang's face was about to turn green, he didn't answer Tang Hao's question, but said tremblingly.

"What's the matter? How did you two get together? Xiaoqing, where have you been? Why did you come back from outside?"

At this time, Tang Hao realized that there was something wrong with Zun Shang's expression. It was no wonder that he was his only sister after all. It was normal to be nervous.

But this time Xiaoqing seemed to be very scared, she quietly hid behind Tang Hao.

Tang Hao is a little confused, what is the matter with these brothers and sisters? Why is this Xiaoqing so afraid of Zunshang?

"Your Highness, I just met your sister outside the city gate. I didn't know you had such a sister!"

It was also the first time that Ao Fu knew that there was actually a younger sister who was as beautiful as a flower on the top of the human race. He couldn't help but start a joke.. 0

"Brother Tang Hao, what you said is wrong, if I, Aofu, can have such a beautiful sister, I will hide it well, so that the stinky men will not find out!

The two were talking and laughing, but at this moment, Zun Shang's whole body was about to collapse. He looked at Xiao Qing who was hiding behind Tang Hao fiercely, and scolded word by word.

"Xiaoqing, you forgot, what did I tell you? I told you, you can never leave the palace, why do you go 1.5 out of the city gate?"5

Xiaoqing hid behind Tang Hao. From such a long distance, Tang Hao could feel Xiaoqing's fear.

Didn't he just go out the door? He didn't go far, why should he be on the top of the line, this is his sister, is it appropriate for him to be so fierce?

Tang Hao Lianxiang Xiyu's heart was immediately aroused, and he lightly patted Zun Shang's shoulder.

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