In fact, when Tang Hao heard this, he had probably guessed why Zunshang was so cruel to his sister, and also let his sister never leave the human palace for half a step.

Compared to the past, something must have happened, causing harm to his sister, so Zun Shang would be so conflicted.

Tang Hao naturally wouldn't ask about this kind of thing. After all, it's someone else's scar, so let him tell his own scars.

"In the beginning, I had a peaceful life here, but the good times didn't last long, the demons were always afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and soon they started to be demons! 95

Hearing these words, Tang Hao snorted coldly. It turns out that he really has something to do with the people of the Demon Race. These Demon Race people really don't stop at all. They have done so much evil. Aren't you afraid of being punished?

But then again, they were originally bad people, and bad people would never believe that there was retribution in this world, but Tang Hao knew very well that he was retribution.

The people of the Demon Race are still unwilling to stop, Tang Hao will definitely let them taste what it means to be a human being and watching.

"Brother Tang Hao, I once told you that before our two clans were not far apart, so we often had conflicts. That Demon Venerable was not my opponent. Knowing that I had a sister who depended on each other for life, she turned to my sister. Start."!'

Speaking of this, Zun couldn't help clenching his fists. His whole body was shaking. If the nightmare was in front of him now, he might be able to beat this guy to death.

"My sister was only 9 years old at that time. They kidnapped my sister, tried to use my sister to blackmail me, and even threatened to drown my sister alive. It was really outrageous!"

Not to mention anything else, even when Tang Hao heard these words, he couldn't wait to smash the nightmare of the demons into pieces, even a 9-year-old girl can do it. He is really not a person. !

"But fortunately, I was fairly strong at the time. I tried my best to save my sister. Since then, I found the nightmare and seemed to know that I was very nervous about my sister, so he often sent people to watch my sister. Sister, I just want to start with my sister!

Ao Fu couldn't help but scold directly.

"Anyway, he is the boss of the Demon Clan. How could he do such a filthy thing? He said that it is not his family's fault. His goal of targeting a little girl like this is really unimaginable!"

If it hadn't been said by your superior, I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the Nightmare of the Demon Race could actually do such a thing.

"'That is, since that time, I didn't let my sister go out, and Xiaoqing was very obedient. Until she was 19 years old, she never left the human race palace. "

After listening to these words, Tang Hao let out a long sigh. It seems that family is really the most precious thing in this world. The way of captivity is locked in the human palace.

Zun Shang also felt very sorry for Xiaoqing. After all, if Xiaoqing wasn't his sister, he would be able to live as freely as other girls.

But there is no way, God arranged it like this, he must protect his sister, he can't let the sister who depends on each other have an accident.

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