After confirming that Tang Hao was serious, Zun Shang couldn't hold back his excitement, he took a deep breath and continued.

"Brother Tang Hao, you said before that this time it is based on defense, so is it necessary to postpone the killing of Nightmare?"

Zun Shang is very clear in his heart, he knows that Tang Hao is a person who speaks the truth, so the previous decision should not be easily overturned. He hopes that this time the nightmare will be sent to the door and will be killed, but thinking about the possibility is almost impossible. Small.

It is no longer a matter of one or two days for your honor to hate nightmares, and he wished that this big devil would disappear from this world immediately~.

Tang Hao didn't even think about it, he said straight-forwardly.

"Why don't you ask? All the previous plans are overturned. As long as he dares to come, we will kill him immediately, and the trouble that comes to the door will be solved immediately! I don't like trouble the most, and I will definitely not be the first. Let him go and find him! 35

This surprise really came too fast, and it was too late for the Venerable Master, and Ao Fu interjected at this time.

"Brother Tang Hao, you have to think about it, don't change your mind again, you have to think about it, killing the nightmare is not a trivial matter, once the nightmare dies, the demon people will definitely be furious, Don't forget, apart from Nightmare, there are 9 other bosses in the Demon Race!

After listening to these words, Tang Hao realized that there are so many leaders of the Demon Race. At first, he knew that the Nightmare was not the only one, but now he knew that there were 9 more.

After Ao Fu said this, Venerable Master also began to calm down. Although he really really wanted that nightmare to die immediately, this matter was of great importance, and he couldn't use his anger.

Nightmare is not worth mentioning, but if the other 9 leaders of the demons unite, the power cannot be underestimated.

If such a situation occurs, this matter will definitely be out of control.

Once the demons are united, the other leaders of the human race will not sit idly by, and there will definitely be a war between the two major ethnic groups, and the result of the war will be that the people will not survive.

Zun Shang struggled for a long time, he endured the heartache and said.

"Brother Tang Wu, otherwise don't rush this matter too much. There are too many people and facts involved in this. We have to be careful!"

0 asking for flowers...

Tang Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, everything was decided, how could it be changed? After hearing what happened to Xiaoqing, Tang Hao had already made up his mind to kill the nightmare, and no one could stop him. don't live with him.

"You don't have to say anything. I decided to kill him and it will never change. As for the rules and regulations you mentioned, they are not worth mentioning here! All in all, this is a big devil, all you need is Just follow my arrangement and cooperate with me!

Seeing Tang Hao becoming more and more determined, Zun Shang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Brother Tang Hao, this matter is really no trivial matter, let's talk about it for a while! I really don't want to see the scene where life is ruined, my sister can be imprisoned for a lifetime, but other people are also lives!

In Zun's mind, captivity and death, of course, is that captivity seems lighter.

Listening to these words, Tang Hao also knew that he was not wrong. Although this guy was indecisive, he still had sympathy. He knew that he would not be a bad person if he thought about the common people.

That being the case, it is even more necessary to destroy those big devils! People.

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