The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 111 Accurate Sixth Sense

Now that everything is ready, it only owes Dongfeng, as long as the people of the Demon Race appear, then they will surely die.

"Brother Tang Hao, then we will raise our vigilance for 12 points.

Your Excellency couldn't wait to see the corpse of the nightmare, Tang Hao took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Yes, there will definitely be a very big fight tonight, and everyone must not be cowardly, although we don't know whether the group of guys will attack 20 times at night or tomorrow, we must all prepare immediately! 35

After saying these words, Tang Hao continued to say word by word.

"Respect, Xiaoqing, that girl is relatively timid, and there is such a big turmoil, Xiaoqing must be afraid, if you can't show up, you are responsible for staying by Xiaoqing's side, don't let the demons take advantage of the loophole! "

Tang Hao clearly remembers what Zun Shang said before. The nightmare guy has always kept his eyes on Xiaoqing. Since he is going to attack the human race this time, he must have hit Xiaoqing's idea, although Zun Shang said to the public that Xiaoqing was dead, but Nightmare should know that Xiaoqing was not dead.

Once the war is triggered outside, no one will care about the situation in the palace, so it is very necessary for Xiaoqing to focus on protection. Everything has been arranged, Xiaoqing must not be there. error.

"Brother Tang Hao, I know, I will definitely take good care of my sister, and I will never let my sister make any mistakes!

Just as he was saying this, there was a sudden knock on the door, and when he opened the door, he saw the pitiful Xiaoqing standing outside.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you that you were not allowed to leave your room for half a step? Did you not take my brother's words seriously?"

When Zunyi saw his sister going out alone again, he was really annoyed. Why did this sister become more and more disobedient as she grew up, I remember that it was not like this when I was a child.

Xiaoqing went out the door so many times with her back on her back, and every time she was in a rage, but Xiaoqing still went her own way, doesn't she really know how dangerous she is now?

In the face of the reprimand from the superior, Xiaoqing instinctively lowered his head, with tears in his eyes, which seemed to make people feel pity and love. A soft-hearted person like Tang Hao felt unbearable at first sight.

"Your Majesty, don't you always be so cruel to your sister? Since she came here, there must be something wrong, why are you always so fierce?"

Zun Shang originally wanted to send Xiaoqing back to the room immediately, but Big Brother Tang Hao said so, so he had no choice but to do it. In front of Big Brother Tang Hao, he didn't dare to be so fierce to his sister.

"Xiaoqing, why are you here? There may be some 180 emergencies today, you'd better not go out."

Xiaoqing stared straight at Tang Hao, she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest, and Tang Hao's handsome face made her heart beat.

"I know that something dangerous will happen today, and I also know your plans. Although everything is guessed by me, I'm really worried..."

As soon as Xiaoqing said these words, everyone was a little surprised, Tang Hao was even more surprised, if this girl guessed everything by herself, then she must have guessed too accurately, isn't it as the outside world said Is it the same, a woman's sixth sense is so accurate?

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