The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 113 Half a General

When he heard that Big Brother Tang Hao only allocated 30 people to himself, Ao Fu was instantly unhappy. He imagined that he would have to bring hundreds of people at least, but now Tang Hao only gave him 20 people. A soldier, these 20 soldiers are not enough to fight between the teeth.

"Brother Tang Hao, are you sure you're not joking with me? You only gave me 20 soldiers, which is not enough! The nightmares came with thousands of people. I am afraid that more than 20 of us will be killed before we take action. Others are put to death! 35

Ao Fu expressed very strong dissatisfaction, Tang Hao gave him a cold look.


"You can't say that. Although there are only 20 people, your mission is very important. When you take these 24 people to meet the guy 5 kilometers away, the guy in the nightmare is very arrogant. There are few of you, and he will definitely pursue it, so that he will soon come to the city gate.

Only then did Ao Fu understand his role. It turned out that he was a tool to lure fish into the bait. This sounded really uncomfortable. He originally thought he could raise his eyebrows, but now it is really far from his imagination. too big.

Seeing that Ao Fu seemed a little unhappy, Tang Hao coughed twice and said word by word.

"I know very well what idea you have in your heart, but I advise you not to ask too much. Although this task may not sound like a big deal, your part is very important. You are here this time. It occupies an indispensable position in the plan, as long as you perform well, the success rate of this mission is 100%.35

In fact, Tang Hao said this on purpose. He knew that this guy wanted to be in the limelight, so he deliberately took his mission seriously. Only in this way can this guy find a sense of existence, and he can perform the mission with satisfaction.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Ao Fu asked suspiciously.

"Brother Tang Hao, you're not kidding me, I have a cabf, what's the important thing, can you give me another task? I want to face them, I haven't had a big fight for a long time. , itchy all over!

Tang Hao really can't laugh or cry, is this guy a god of war in his previous life? He is full of tendons and wants to fight and kill all day long. He really has developed limbs and a simple mind.

"Why is the bait not important? If you can't lure them here smoothly, all our plans can't be carried out normally. Do you think you are important? The reason why I asked you to perform this task is because you are the only one. Humans can do it. You are the smartest and the most observant. They are not as good as you.

As soon as Tang Hao said these words, Ao Fu agreed to do the bait. Tang Hao can understand Ao Fu's psychological activities. You should raise this kind of person a little bit, or else It is absolutely impossible to reason with him.

"Brother Tang Hao, it turns out that you value me so much. Since that's the case, I'm sure I won't let you down. Where are the 20 people? I'll have a good communication with them now!"

Tang Hao saw that his plan was successful, he said immediately.

"Those 20 people are already waiting at the door. You should discuss it with them immediately. Remember that you are leading troops on an expedition, and you are half a general. People living below!"

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