The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 116 The Confused Boss

At this moment, there are only Zunshang and Tang Hao here. Zunshang couldn't help but want to say what was in his heart. He took a deep breath and said uneasy.

"Brother Tang Hao, before I go back to rest, I have something I want to discuss with you, and I hope you can give me a little more time. I know you must be very annoying now, but if I don't say it, I will There's no way to be safe at night!"

This guy also knows that he is very annoying, Tang Hao is indeed a little impatient, but he still patiently said.

"For the sake of being the leader of the human race, I'll give you this chance, but I hope this situation won't happen again next time. Now it's a very tense time. You've been grinding here for 20 years. People can't bear it!" 5

Tang Hao's words were very rude, but Zun Shang didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, he felt a little guilty, and he was really not suitable to be the boss.

Seeing this guy looking left and right, after making sure that no one was eavesdropping, he spoke his heart out.

"Brother, there have been a lot of stories between us since you appeared in the Human Race Palace. How should I put it, from the beginning of not understanding you to the moment I completely admire you, I think you are more than me. excellent!

Originally, I thought that this honorable person was going to say something. After walking such a big circle, it turned out to be flattering. Tang Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes and said angrily.

"If you don't have anything important, then go back and rest. I have to continue to prepare for tomorrow, and I can win the battle if I have enough energy, understand!"

Driven by Tang Hao, Zun Shang refused to leave, he said nervously.

"Brother Tang Wu, this matter is indeed a very important matter. I haven't finished my words yet, I beg you to let me finish my words!"

Tang Hao doesn't know how to describe his feelings now. He has traveled so many places, and this is the first time he has met such a grumpy boss, and he doesn't know how the people of this human race are controlled by this guy.

If the common people are impatient, and there is such a boss, wouldn't it mean that they will live in torture every day, that's all, let this guy spit it out, otherwise I don't know how long he will be annoying.

"I only give you 5 minutes, after 5 minutes you must leave, otherwise I will let go, and you can deal with the rest of the mess yourself!"

Tang Hao really couldn't bear it this time, so he just said it to death. All in all, it's only 5 minutes, and it's impossible to add a minute and a second. This 197 guy has been talking about it here. Stop, I'm afraid I'd already be crazy if I replaced it with an ordinary person.

Zun Shang knew that he couldn't grind any longer, he stared straight at Tang Hao, and then said word by word seriously.

"Brother Tang Hao, when this matter is over, you can be the boss here, you are better than me, you are much better than me, and with you leading the human race, it will definitely get better and better! 99

When he heard these words, Tang Hao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What is this guy talking about? Is this boss's position free to come and go? Why is he so confused? .

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