The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 121 The Little Devil

But the strange thing is that when the condor heard this number, he obviously felt very puzzled, and Tang Hao naturally noticed the condor's expression, he put down the pen and paper in his hand, straight stared at the condor and asked.

"What's the matter? Why do you suddenly look like this? Is there any hidden secret in this?"

Shen Ying couldn't help taking a deep breath, then calmed down his mood and said doubtfully.

"Brother, although I haven't returned to the Demon Race Palace for 20 years, I also had a certain status and identity in the Demon Race. As far as I know, the Demon Race doesn't have so many soldiers!

In order to make the words clearer, the condor paused and continued.

"The Nightmare guy is very attentive to the training of soldiers, so every training is done with great fanfare. I have roughly calculated that there are at most 3,000 soldiers of the Demon Race, and the rest are some ordinary people, and those ordinary people. They are very dissatisfied with the nightmare, so there are many black shops! 99

Tang Hao could not help frowning when he heard the number mentioned by the condor. If what the condor said was true, then the matter would be complicated. Who the hell is the 5000 person mentioned by Xiaodao? ?

After thinking about it, Tang Hao couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the nightmare guy was selling in the gourd. At this time, Shen Ying said immediately.

"Brother Tang Hao, I have bad news I don't know if I should tell you!"

Good guy, what time is this, everything has to be said, and it is really stupid to ask whether it should be said or not.

"This is burning eyebrows, what else should be said or not, say everything you know!"5

Shen Ying looked at Zun Shang on the side, then turned his head and said to Tang Hao word by word.

"Brother Tang Hao, I recalled it carefully just now. I'm sure that there are not so many soldiers on the Demon Race side. If the information sent by Xiaodao is true, it can only mean that the Nightmare guy and the other little leaders. Collusion together!"

When he heard the news, Tang Hao's brows stretched out instantly. As long as they were all demons, it would be easy to handle. The most feared thing is that this guy will collude with other ethnic groups. The plan collapsed completely.

After hearing about these things, Zun Shang felt even more uncertain. He was a little afraid of this at the beginning, but now he learned that other leaders of the human race might have also participated. Back off.

"Brother Tang Hao, if they are telling the truth, I think we should postpone our plan this time, at least we can't kill the nightmare, if the other leaders of 197 have participated, it means that they are demons. It's about to hit us! They must have a plan!

What this guy said so much was just some nonsense. If the demons didn't have a plan, how could they attack?

It can only be said that in the dream, he was afraid that his strength was not enough, so he hired a helper, but in Tang Hao's heart, he didn't think that way. Since this nightmare dared to find a helper, the person who came to help him was naturally not a good person. , Since you want to get rid of the big devil, you should get rid of the other little devil together.

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