The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 136 Consumption of physical strength

At the same time, Ao Fu was naturally not idle. Although Ao Fu couldn't defeat Nightmare, he had no difficulty in fighting those small soldiers and deputy generals.

Ao Fu held the machete in his hand, and slashed straight at the deputy general's head to go to the general. As soon as he avoided Ao Fu flexibly, he fluttered in the air. At this time, Ao Fu naturally wouldn't be so easily discouraged. He continued to stand up straight and wrestled with the lieutenant general.

The strength of the two can be said to be very equal, so Ao Fu is also very difficult to fight, but at this time he did not ask Tang Hao for help, Tang Hao is busy dealing with the big devil, how can he take care of him These things.

Besides, I have only been with Tang Hao20 for a short period of time. If Tang Hao has to turn to Tang Hao for such trivial matters, then Tang Hao will definitely not pay attention to him in the future.

Ao Fu was able to get this opportunity to stay by Tang Hao's side, he cherished it very much, he really had enough of the previous days, he didn't want to be a cripple like before, but only stayed by Tang Hao's side, He is very likely to do great things.

Speaking of this, Ao Fu was suddenly full of power. At this time, the deputy general of the Demon Race was rushing towards him with a grin and Ao Fu took a deep breath. He quickly rushed over and slammed the machete heavily. He slashed at the general's shoulder, and the general's hand was immediately cut off.

Immediately, blood flowed like running water in a nightmare. Hearing the vice general's screams, and seeing the general lose an arm, he didn't mention how anxious he was at that time.

This guy is the right-hand man of the big devil. Now that the general is missing an arm, he will definitely not be able to defeat Ao Fu's own helper, and he will be defeated like this. This really makes the big devil unacceptable.

But there is no way, everyone is already on the battlefield, he has no choice but to bite the bullet, even if he wants to leave now, Tang Hao will not let him go.

Soon the general's blood was stained red. Because of the severe pain, the general was unable to give orders to the remaining soldiers, and these soldiers usually obeyed orders, even if their army was about to lose. It's gone, but they won't act on their own without an order.

The 4000 people just stood there numbly watching from a distance, some of them had already started to worry, but they didn't dare to act rashly without an order, they could only stand there and watch their own people one by one fell down.

Tang Hao also discovered this phenomenon, he sighed helplessly, the rules are dead, but people are alive, these people see their army is about to lose the battle, and they still have to obey the orders, What is the difference between this and a machine.

The reason why machines can’t surpass humans is because machines are always machines, and machines rely on instructions to act, but people are different, can’t people have some vision?

In fact, if the No. 4000 soldiers rush up now, it is estimated that they can hold on for a while, and there should be some casualties who live here, but these guys are still standing there unshakably.

At this time, the physical strength of the big devil is almost exhausted, and his whole face starts to turn pale. After all, he is a pampered devil, how can he withstand such a toss.

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