Tang Hao is not a fool. With what he knows about Ao Fu, even if this guy is in the bedroom, he will definitely try to escape. Although he is injured now, a person's potential is unlimited. What's the point of injury when threatened?

Once in another world, Tang Hao had seen with his own eyes that people with broken hands and feet were able to take their last breaths and climbed forward for a distance of about 500 meters.

It was at that time that Tang Hao believed that there was indeed such a thing as potential in this world, especially an ambitious guy like Ao Fu, so he would definitely make small moves tonight.

After Ao Fu was taken away, Shen Ying and Zun Shang stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the room became more subtle. Logically speaking, everyone should be happy if they won the battle, but all this was given to that Ao Fu. Ruined.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and looked at him coldly. No matter what the two of them were thinking at this moment, he must be happy when he should be happy.

"Your Highness, you are the boss of the human race, this time your threat has been completely eradicated, are you just standing here stupidly? Why don't you go and tell the kitchen to prepare good food and wine, everyone will definitely not be able to sleep tonight, Let's celebrate from now until tomorrow at 12 o'clock to kill Ao Fu."!"

His Excellency raised his head worriedly and looked at Tang Hao. This Ao Fu was about to be executed. It seemed inappropriate for them to celebrate with good food and wine. After all, they had known each other once.

"Brother Tang Hao, I know that you are always impatient, and I also know that it is necessary for us to celebrate our victory. Whether it is our own pleasure or to reward the soldiers, we must celebrate, but I think it is possible to celebrate. Can't put off the celebration until tomorrow night?

Tang Hao didn't even have to think about it, he knew what was going on in his heart, and he was just thinking about Ao Fu's feelings.

"If you are still so soft-hearted, then you won't have to behead Ao Fu tomorrow, but I want to tell you the truth, if Ao Fu threatens you and the people of the human race in the future, then you don't want it. Come to me and cry!"

The condor really can't stand it anymore, for such an idiot, it's a waste of saliva to say a word!

"Brother Tang Wu, don't tell Zun any more, since he is so pitiful to Ao Fu, let him spare Ao Fu not to die, we don't need to stay here with the human race, we have solved what should be solved, we Go somewhere else!

When Shen Ying said this, Zun immediately became nervous. No matter how big brother Tang Hao and Shen Ying helped him so much, they were the benefactors of the human race. How will the boss face the people in the future?

Not to mention that the people of the human race are not easy to explain, even my sister Xiaoqing can't get through, and I will feel uncomfortable in my heart.

""Don't think like that, Shen Ying, I'm just hesitant. Since you hate Ao Fu so much, then do as you said. I'll immediately instruct the back kitchen to prepare everything. Let's take a rest, and the banquet will begin in an hour!"

After saying these words, Zun Shang went to busy with the banquet. After Zun Shang left, at this moment, only Tang Hao and Shen Ying were left here.

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