"Tang Hai is not me throwing cold water on you, since you have chosen to follow me, you should know that I am extremely adventurous, and it is best not to be afraid of this, or you will still be Go back to the human palace!

What Tang Hai was most afraid of was that Brother Tang Wu drove him away. Although he was really afraid, when Tang Hao said this, he immediately cheered up and said.

"Tang "Two Four Three" Brother Wu, you must not drive me away, I have the same surname as you now, and now I have nowhere to go except by your side, since you like adventures , then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman! 39

When he said that he would give up his life to accompany the gentleman, Tang Hai did it. When he walked, he shivered uncontrollably, but his walking speed did not slow down at all. Tang Hao saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

For such a young man, he just needs to train him a lot. Only when he is daring can he achieve great things. Tang Hao has never seen that a timid person can achieve great things.

The two people walked less than 500 meters away, and suddenly heard a faint cry not far away, Tang Hai couldn't hold back immediately, he jumped behind Tang Hao, shivering. Say.

"Brother Tang Hao, can you hear a cry? It seems like a woman is still crying. I heard someone say that the demon clan likes to play this trick the most. They will raise little ghosts, so near the demon clan, there are often Some ghosts appear!""

Hearing these remarks, Tang Hao almost didn't laugh out loud. Even if there were ghosts in this world, he wouldn't be afraid. Besides, he was still a female ghost, so what's so scary?

"You are so timid, it seems that in the future I will specially train you to make you more courageous. How can you be so timid as a mouse in the future?"

After saying these words, Tang Hao raised his volume and said loudly without waiting for Tang Hai to speak.

"Who is crying over there? If you have any grievances, you can tell me. My name is Tang Hao. If you ask me, I will naturally do my best to help you, but if you pretend to be a ghost to scare us, then I can Never be soft!

Tang Hai couldn't help but silently gave a thumbs up in his heart, Big Brother Tang Hao is a big brother after all, he is so courageous, you must know that in this dark night, when he heard such a strange cry, he changed his mind. I'm afraid the others would have pulled their legs and ran away..0

If the other party is really a ghost, Big Brother Tang Hao is the first person who dares to talk to a ghost. I really admire him.

But then the other party didn't seem to make any sound, but kept the same cry just now, and the cry became more and more miserable, as if he had suffered some great grievance.

With the hazy moonlight, Tang Hai's heart became more and more hairy. He always felt that the crying thing must not be a human being. He couldn't help but imagine in his mind a female ghost meeting with disheveled hair and wounds all over his face. suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Brother Tang Hao, although you keep saying that you want to exercise my courage, it is impossible for this person to become a fat man in one bite. Let's go quickly. If this goes on, I feel like I'm going to be scared out of my head! 35

Tang Hao sighed helplessly, it seems that he will have to train this kid a lot in the days to come.

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