Tang Hao smiled inexplicably.

"Tang Hai, you are actually a malleable talent, but your emotional intelligence and your strength need to be improved. Don't worry, I dare not say that in a month, you will definitely become another person!"

After talking so much along the way, I finally came to the foot of the black mountain. This black mountain is very high, and it looks really towering. The woman in white smiled smugly and turned around and said to Tang Hao.

"This is the legendary Montenegro. There are a lot of ferocious beasts on this mountain. In addition to poisonous snakes, there are many other beasts that you can't even imagine. Do you still want to keep going?

Seeing the smug look of the woman, Tang Hao couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Even if this place is as powerful as you said, then what are you happy about, this is not your home, why are you complacent here as a person who is not a demon clan?"

As soon as the woman in white heard Tang Hao say this, she immediately restrained her eyes, and her eyes were not as proud as before, she said with a squeak.

"Who said I'm complacent, I'm just reminding you, I'm just a cheap life, it doesn't matter if I die or not, you two are knights with an adventurous spirit, if you die, the gain will outweigh the loss, how about it? Do you want to move on?'

Tang Hao couldn't help laughing, this woman is really cute, say she is the king of liar, sometimes lying can let people see the flaws at a glance, compared to those who lie and tell bottomless For people, it's a bit more cute~love.

"Of course we're going. Isn't that the reason we've traveled so far to come here? But it's getting dark, I think we'd better eat something before going on the road, Tang Hai, you should make a fire first, I'm going to see if there are any hares around, and I'll grab one to fight—tooth!""

Tang Hai nodded, he had wanted to make a fire for a long time, after all, his hands and feet were about to freeze, and if it went on like this, he would lose consciousness.

As soon as she heard that Tang Hao was going to catch some rabbits for the tooth festival, the woman suddenly became nervous, and she roared loudly.

"Can you have some common sense, this place is so cold, and the rabbits are hibernating, how could there be hares? Besides, isn't there dry food in your luggage? Why hurt those small animals!

·0 Flowers ·...

Tang Hao smiled in his heart, this woman seems to be a kind-hearted master, and she actually loves small animals, which is really interesting.

"Even if there is no rabbit to catch a snake or other animals to fight the tooth sacrifice, it is still possible. After all, it is so cold here. If you don't eat some meat, how can the heat in your body resist the cold!"

Hearing Tang Hao's words, the woman was really anxious, but she had no choice. In order not to reveal her identity, she could only sit beside the bonfire with her teeth clenched.

Soon Tang Hai lit a bonfire, the bonfire kept jumping and Tang Hai slowly felt the warmth. His fingers, which had been frozen unconscious just now, slowly regained their former soul.

Tang Hao caught a pheasant from nowhere and came back. To say that this monster land is really good, even the common pheasant is twice as big as the pheasants in other places.

Tang Hai was very surprised when he saw the pheasant in Tang Hao's hands.

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