The matter has developed to this point, Tang Hao's heart is probably a little clear, and the request for this place is fundamentally different from the rumors from the outside world. There are rumors from the outside world that this is a mysterious place. Especially scary.

But now it seems that the demon clan is a place where people and animals develop harmoniously. The most important thing is that the people of the demon clan are not as terrible as the rumors from the outside world.

Although this little white named Ruhua is still lying, Tang Hao's heart couldn't be clearer.

"Xiao Bai, can we have a good talk now, regarding the identity of the demon clan and you, when I met those monsters just now, I saw the difference in you~!

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Xiaobai's heart suddenly became tangled. She didn't know what she did wrong, and Tang Hao showed it - what happened.

"Tang Hao, I know you're a very powerful person. I've already seen it during your fight with those monsters just now..."

At this time, Tang Hai said leisurely aside.

"Everyone in this world has their own secrets. My boss and I have always respected other people's secrets, but Xiaobai and we are considered people who have lived and died together. You still have to keep your own. Secret?""

It is said that Xiaobai has been pretending to be a ghost at the border. For so long, this is her duty. She never thought that she would one day return to the demon clan, and she never thought that she would reveal her identity to others.

The queen once warned Xiaobai that she was a calamity, so she could only pretend to be a ghost at the border all her life to protect the safety of the demon clan.

Now that he not only left the border, but also came together with such a powerful person as Tang Hao. If the queen knew, Xiaobai would definitely not be able to live.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai shivered and took a few steps back.

"Tang Hao, Tang Hai, I hope you can respect my choice, don't force me if I don't want to say it, I don't know anything, I don't know anything!

Tang Hao doesn't want to force the woman in front of him anymore, because he feels that this woman is also a pitiful person. Seeing that the sky is about to get dark, there are too many monsters in this place. They must find a foothold in advance, otherwise The next step is not easy to deal with, although Tang Hao himself is not afraid of those monsters, but these two people are his fuel bottles.

··0 Flowers...  

In the face of two big drag oil bottles, without a safe place, it is definitely not acceptable.

"Stop, since you don't want to say it, then we naturally won't force you, now it's going to get dark soon, let's find a nearby place to live first and then talk about it!

Xiaobai looked around.

"Tang Hao, let's go, while there is still a chance, let's not go any further!

To be honest, after being in contact with Tang Hao for so long, Xiaobai has already been a little tempted. At this moment, what she wants to protect is not only herself, not only the demon clan, she also wants Tang Hao to be safe and secure. alive.

Although she knew that Tang Hao was a powerful character, but in a place like Yaozu, many things were unclear, so she had to persuade Tang Hao and the others to leave just in case.

"What kind of madness are you making, you said that we won't leave, what are you afraid of when I'm here?" People.

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