Tang Hao took a deep breath, he looked at Tang Hai and Xiao Bai seriously and said word by word.

"In the beginning, our destination was the center of the demon clan. Just now, in order to find the safest place to stay, we ran in the opposite direction. Now you all know that there is no safe place to stay around, why don't we take a gamble?"

Xiaobai is a very smart girl. She immediately heard what Tang Hao meant. She was the one who didn't want these two people to reach the center of the demon clan.

"Tang Hao, let me be fair, I don't think anything is as important as our lives, the closer you are to the center of the demon clan, the more monsters, and it's better for us to run in opposite directions now~!

Tang Hao vaguely felt what Xiaobai was thinking, so he didn't take Xiaobai's words seriously at all, but looked directly at Tang Hai who was on the side. Said for a long time.

"I'll go wherever the boss goes. Anyway, if you die horizontally and vertically, you will meet monsters even if you run in the opposite direction. Why don't you go and see what the queen of the alluring country looks like!"

As soon as Tang Hai said these words, Tang Hao felt a bit of comfort in his heart, this kid finally said something like a man.

Tang Hao patted Tang Hai's shoulder heavily and said with a smile.

"You kid didn't disappoint me this time. Since we are 2:1, let's move on to the so-called palace. No matter what monsters we encounter, you must not follow me. San, as long as you are within three meters of me, I can keep you safe and sound!

To be honest, although Xiaobai was very resistant in his heart, when he heard Tang Hao say such words, Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little tempted. When a man is facing so many monsters, he can say this with confidence. If so, what kind of spirit is that?

"Then let's go, there are still more than 20 minutes, and it will be 2:00 in the morning, you two must be careful, don't argue any more at this critical time, and ensuring your own safety is the most important thing. !

Xiaobai and Tang Hai nodded silently, then followed Tang Hao's side and started to move forward.

The stars in the sky were slowly obscured by the dark clouds, and the atmosphere became heavier and heavier. Occasionally, one or two unknown insects could be heard. The sound alone made Tang Hai feel terrified.

··0 Flowers·

After walking about 1 kilometer, Tang Hao suddenly stopped. Tang Hao's eyes and ears were the best among the three. He must have noticed something abnormal when he stopped, so Tang Hao stopped as soon as he stopped. When they were walking, Xiaobai and Tang Hai, who were beside them, immediately squatted on the ground.

They made such a move not because of fear, but to ensure their own safety as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble to Tang Hao.

"Tang Hao, what did you find? Is there a monster coming towards us?"

Tang Hao took a deep breath, he could feel a huge monster in the southeast, running on the ground at a very fast speed, although it is still uncertain whether the monster is running in their direction, but Tang Hao You can tell from the sound that this monster must be over a ton in size!

"Don't be nervous, I'm still judging whether there is any danger to us, wait two minutes to get a conclusion!" People.

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