"Brother Tang Wu, these leaves are so stinky, will those monsters be attracted to them after they smell it, because the monster we met before will be attracted by some strange smell? In case we are unlucky Well, that monster eats this for a living, so aren't we killing ourselves?"

This guy said so many things in one breath, and the words that Tang Hao couldn't listen to the most were these two words.

"You better disguise yourself with so much energy, instead of using it to talk nonsense here, Xiaobai hasn't done it yet, so hurry up and help Xiaobai, as far as I know that monster is now far away from us. There is still a distance of 2 kilometers at most. According to the size of the monster, he will appear in less than three minutes, hurry up!

Three minutes When hearing this number, everyone couldn't help but feel nervous, what kind of concept is three minutes?

Tang Hai immediately stopped thinking wildly, thus speeding up the movements in his hands. Soon he was disguised, and soon he also disguised Xiaobai. At this moment, only Tang Hao was still unequipped. Happening.

Seeing that Tang Hao didn't have any equipment, Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Tang Hao, you quickly put the leaves on your body, although I don't know if your method is useful, but it is better than nothing, you hurry up, there are only more than two minutes left!"

Tang Hao took a deep breath and put a few leaves on his body at will. To be honest, he never thought about hiding from the beginning, because three people were hiding at the same time, the monster would definitely find it strange , so he wanted to use himself as a bait to lure this monster away.

After having this idea, Tang Hao didn't make any disguise, but these two guys didn't see it yet. Although Xiaobai is usually quirky, but this time Xiaobai seems a little stupid~.

Presumably a woman will reduce her IQ by half in a particularly stressful situation.

After making all the preparations, the three of them squatted on the ground and quietly waited for the arrival of the behemoth, only to see that the vibration of the ground became more and more obvious.

Tang Hai's breathing began to quicken, the sweat on his forehead told everyone how scared he was at this moment, Tang Hao gently patted his shoulder.

··0 Flowers·.....

"Don't be nervous, if it's really our destiny, we can't escape. The more you are afraid of that monster, the more arrogant you will be. There is only one minute left, hurry up and take a deep breath, don't be afraid, remember what I said, you But my apprentice, if you are cowardly, others will look down on me! 99


Under the encouragement of Tang Hao, Tang Hai finally summoned up his courage. He is a little calmer now, so he is still very scared, but at least he is no longer in a cold sweat.

Just as Xiaobai was about to speak, suddenly a huge roar was deafening. Several people could not help covering their ears. Xiaobai even felt that his ears were almost deaf. , a monster dozens of meters tall is in front of them.

"Oh my God, I've never seen such a big monster before, it seems that this time we are in trouble! We must not escape this time! I have never seen such a huge monster. !people.

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