Because of the monster's sudden response, Tang Hao's plan failed. His opponent, because of Nandi's sharp claws, was also broken into two generations in an instant. This is true for Tang Hao. It is not good to be a teacher.

But it doesn't matter, Tang Hao has already made a plan to deal with it. Since this tactic doesn't work, he will change to another tactic.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and took out a dagger again. At this time, he only blamed himself for not preparing a little more magic weapon. If he had more weapons, it would not be difficult to obtain this level.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of time, but unfortunately you can't speak. If you can speak, we can communicate well for 20 years. Now you have to show your true skills, otherwise you will die today! '

At this moment, the exposure value of this monster has reached its peak. The back of his head is bleeding non-stop, and the soil on the ground has been dyed red. It can be seen that I am both angry and painful, but there is no way, in order to protect Tang Hai And Xiaobai, Tang Hao can only hurt him!

Tang Hao jumped up holding the new dagger, this time his target was the monster's forehead, if the monster could attack his forehead like he attacked the back of his head before, then he would be dead soon!

Tang Hao's speed was very fast, and soon he accurately jumped onto the monster's forehead. It's strange to say that this monster has no hair all over his body, and there are hard carapace everywhere, but this monster's forehead has a long hair on it. It's full of fluff, it's called fluff, but compared to the size of this monster, its fluff is as hard as numbers.

When he just jumped up, Tang Hao felt a little pain in his feet. If he thought about it, this monster's forehead was covered with so many hard hairs, presumably this place should be its lifeblood.

Sure enough, Tang Hao just got his footing when the monster started to shake his head quickly. It could be seen that the monster was very nervous and angry at this moment.

In this way, Tang Hao was even more sure that his forehead was the monster's life. Tang Hao endured the stinging pain in his feet, and he kept stepping on the monster's forehead. The monster was not stupid at this time. He stopped hitting his forehead with his claws, which made Tang Hao a little puzzled.

"My dear, it's really unexpected. I originally thought that you, such a behemoth, had no IQ. Now it seems that as long as your life is threatened, you still have a little IQ. It seems that I have to take a good look at you!"

But Tang Hao wouldn't give in like this, because the monster shook his head violently, so Tang Hao was a little unsteady, he grabbed the thick hair 290, so that the monster shook violently at the same time Even more pain!

And this one Tang Hai and Xiao Bai also accelerated their speed, because the closer they were to Tang Hao, the more they could hear the monster's roar, and that sound really made people shudder!

"What is the origin of that monster, Xiaobai? Why does it make such a terrifying sound? Are we still alive?!

Although Tang Hai was running non-stop at this moment, his heart was still up and down, and he was really afraid that something would happen.

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