Just when Tang Hao wanted to let the two leave quickly, the two had already rushed over. After all, this monster was huge, and it jumped in front of Tang Hai and Xiao Bai in three or two times. I was stunned, not knowing whether to move forward or backward for a while.

The monster stood quietly in front of the two of them and did not attack. At this moment, Tang Hao's heart was in his throat. This monster is so irritable now, as long as he slaps it down, Xiaobai and Tang Hai will definitely go. Seeing the Lord of Hell, no matter how powerful Tang Hao is, he still has no ability to resurrect the dead.

Especially in this weird place, Tang Hao is even more unlikely to be shot to death, they live, only to see the monster slowly lift up, the front claws, the huge nostrils are constantly shrinking, seeing this scene, Tang Hao He knew it in his heart, he knew that the monster was about to launch an attack, and at this critical moment, Tang Hao jumped up and flew straight towards the two of them.

And the two of them were already frightened. They didn't seem to come back to their senses, and they were already caught by Tang Hao by the collar. Tang Hao angrily threw the two on the ground, and then said angrily.

"You two don't want to live anymore, do you know how dangerous it was just now? This monster is injured now, and it is the most irritable time. You almost killed yourself by your actions just now, do you know?! 99

Xiaobai burst into tears all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was really frightened just now. I didn't expect this monster to be so fierce. Although I always knew that he was very powerful, I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It made you worry. I'm really sorry! 35

At this time, it is useless to say sorry too much. Fortunately, no human life was lost. Even if you say 10,000 words of sorry after a human life is killed, you cannot restore any loss.

Tang Hai said in a particularly dull manner.

"Brother Tang Hao, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to come to cause trouble for you, but Xiaobai insisted that I would not come, Xiaobai said that I was a coward, I can't embarrass men anymore, so I'm here. !35

These two guys really gave Tang Hao some headaches. The behemoth hasn't been solved yet. These two people are here to explain their own affairs. It's really annoying, and Tang Hao roared loudly.

"You two run away immediately, don't look back, I will solve it, this guy will find you, don't worry, I will never have an accident, I am stronger than you think!

Under Tang Hao's anger, the two had to run to the place they had just come from, and Xiaobai cried while running. He really couldn't understand why Tang Hao was so fierce.

"You woman still has the face to cry, just because of your recklessness. We almost died just now. It doesn't matter if we die, and you made Big Brother Tang Hao so angry. If I knew I shouldn't have listened to you!"

Tang Hai is also a straight man of steel. Wouldn't it be fine if he coaxed this woman properly at this time? Not only did he not coax others, but he also said so many detrimental things, how could a girl be able to bear it.

Xiaobai cried even more, and she sniffed.

"I didn't mean it, the three of us are all grasshoppers on a rope now, I just care about Tang Hao, why should you treat me like this! It's really not human!".

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