"I believe that your demon clan must be very beautiful and very clean. Even a cave can be managed like this by you. It's really surprising!"

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Xiaobai immediately showed a sweet smile.

"You are right at all, our demon clan is indeed very beautiful, the reason why our demon clan is very beautiful, so we have to resist outsiders, because everyone can't help but want to take advantage of beautiful things. For our own sake, we must avoid such risks!

At this moment, Tang Hao probably understands why the demon clan has to do so many things to protect themselves. After all, there are too many people like nightmares in this world, and they simply don't know how to appreciate beauty and discover beauty. All they know is to take all the good things for themselves.

Tang Hao sighed leisurely and then said.

"You are right in saying these words, it is indeed like this, many people lack the ability to discover beauty, everyone just wants to possess it, I think that since we have become friends this time, I will definitely I will give you advice to keep you away from those dangers."!99

When she heard Tang Hao say such words, Xiaobai couldn't help shedding a tear. To be honest, for the first time, she felt that she had not made a decision.

But before Xiaobai had time to speak, they heard Tang Hai's very weak voice, probably because the temperature had risen, so Tang Hai also slowly regained consciousness, he said very weakly.

"Brother Tang Hao, am I dead?"

Seeing this guy wake up, Xiao Bai and Tang Hao were very happy in their hearts, since he woke up, it means that his life is not in danger, Xiao Bai on the side said with a smile.

"How can you die? If you die, you will not see Tang Hao and me, but Lord Yama. If you haven't seen Lord Yama, it means you are still alive and well, as the saying goes. If you don't die, you will have good luck. I believe that you will have great luck in the future!

To be honest, it was the first time the two had such a peaceful conversation. Tang Hao was not used to it. He was used to the endless quarrel between these two guys. Habit.

"Xiao Bai is right at all. With the efforts of the two of us, your life has finally been saved, but I also want to remind you that you are very weak now, and you must eat after the body temperature rises. Order something, I know you have always been a picky eater, and there are only steamed buns here, you should eat a few mouthfuls, otherwise you have finally been saved by us, but you will really go to see the Lord of Hell again! "

When he learned that he was still alive and not dead, Tang Hai couldn't help but burst into tears. Looking at the bonfire and the agitation in front of him, he knew in his heart what happened after he fell into a coma. He really didn't know about Tang Hao and Xiaobai. How did he get a comatose person here.

Tang (Okay, okay) Hai's voice started to get choked up a bit.

""Tang Hao brother Xiaobai, thank you two for saving my life, I have always been very ignorant, and I have done a lot of things to make you very disappointed, I want to say sorry to you, I hope you Forgive me for being reckless and ignorant before, okay?"

To be honest, Xiaobai was stunned, she never thought that Tang Hai could say such a thing, it was even more strange than a dog spitting out ivory.

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