What Tang Hao didn't expect was when he showed up with that feisty child. Xiaobai turned pale in shock. Xiaobai's facial features were distorted as if he had seen a ghost. Although his facial features were distorted, Xiaobai was still very beautiful.

"Tang Hao! Why did you bring this kid in?! Quickly send him away, no no no, kill him now!"

At this moment, Tang Hao is also a little confused. What's the matter with this little white? Usually he is very soft-hearted when dealing with those little rabbits, but at this time, he actually wants him to kill this stubborn child, not to mention goodbye By the way, Tang Hao really can't let go of this hand, this child is quite cute after all.

Tang Hai on the side said in a daze.

"Xiao Bai, what's the matter with you? You have always been a kind girl, how could you ask Tang Hao to kill this child, but a child with no power, is it not as good as a rabbit? life?"

To be honest, Tang Hai and Tang Hao can't understand this woman at this moment. They all say that a woman's heart is like the real thing under the sea. It's very hard to understand. .

Xiaobai didn't have time to explain so much at this moment, she stood up directly and rushed towards the little slicker, Tang Hao instinctively protected this kid behind him, this stubborn little kid immediately started to wow She burst into tears, watching Tang Hao guarding the boy.

Xiaobai knew very well in his heart that once Tang Hao intervened, he would have no way to kill the child. At this moment, Xiaobai had lost all his senses. She only had one idea, and that was to kill the child.

Tang Hao raised his volume and shouted at Xiaobai.

"What's the matter with you woman? Are you stimulated by something? This is a helpless child, can you take a look and then talk about it?"

Xiaobai rubbed her head, she looked very irritable, and after a while, Xiaobai took a deep breath and said.

"Tang Hao, do you really think this is an ordinary child? I tell you, he is not an ordinary child at all, he is the bait and eye (cabf) line of the demon clan!"5

As soon as these words were spoken, Tang Hao was not alone in shock. Even Tang Hai, who was beside him, felt disbelief. Tang Hai looked at Xiao Bai suspiciously and asked.

"What's going on here? Xiaobai, didn't you say you don't know anything about the demon clan? How can you know so much now, how could you know the eyeliner of the ghost clan?"

Tang Hao on the side was shocked and could only explain the problem to Tang Hai first. After all, Xiaobai is a monster. Only the two of them knew about this matter. Tang Hai was still in the dark. Tang Hao took a deep breath. In one breath, no matter whether the child is eyeliner or not, he can't let Xiaobai kill this child.

Watching a child die in front of him, Tang Hao couldn't do such a thing anyway, he paused to protect the child, and then said to Tang Hai.

"Actually, this is the case. Xiaobai is a monster. We haven't told you about this. It's not because we took precautions against you. , I didn't tell you, you must not think about it..."

What the hell? This little white is actually a monster?.

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