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Spirit Race is a very rare race, and there are only a handful of them in number, but they have existed for a very long time.

For example, if a cultivator has not set foot in a fire place for a long time, then a fire spirit will be born in the long years. The strong one may reach the realm of quasi-emperor, but the weak one may only be equivalent to the realm of supernatural power.

Originally thought that it would be very difficult for the Spirit Race without a physical body to extract genes, or even have no way to start, but it was completely unexpected that touching the other party would be enough.

The will gene is Su Xin’s fourth special gene.

It’s too late today, Su Xin plans to go to the gym tomorrow to collect genes. This time, I will go back first and thoroughly clarify the effect of the special ability: War Spirit of Will (primary).

It was the first time he had acquired the half-passive and half-attack talent.

“Just now, the spirit clan must be the tool spirit of a strong man! Senior Brother Su is right not to attack him, and the spirit clan is a special race. If you don’t provoke them, they will never take the initiative to provoke others, otherwise If you don’t, I wouldn’t let Senior Brother Su leave easily just now.” Wang Tong laughed when he saw that Su Xin23 had returned to the human palace.

He let out a long sigh in his heart, really afraid that Su Xin would directly fight that ‘Wuwang Gun’.

Su Xin is nothing, others think that he is running to show the prestige of the human race, but in fact the target is the genes of other races.

After returning to the gate of the Human Race Palace, Su Xin waved his hand and shouted, “Mister and brother! We will gather here again tomorrow!”

“Okay! I’m not very happy today, come back tomorrow, hahaha.”

“Senior Brother Su, in the wind and rain, waiting for you!”

“Haha, it’s best to let other races fear my human race before the Tianjiao Conference completely starts!”

The arrogance of the human race who followed Su Xin to play more than a dozen races responded with a smile one by one.

Then Su Xin chuckled lightly and went back to his room.

He closed the door, and immediately his eyes narrowed, and he shouted in a low voice: “Will Battle Spirit, congeal!”

I saw Su Xin’s will as a transparent humanoid figure, this figure has no face, just a human shape, but the whole body reveals a powerful willpower, and has a terrifying fighting spirit!

This is the battle spirit condensed by Su Xin’s will. The strength of the attack power is determined according to Su Xin’s will, and it can attack physically or spiritually, and the attack method is not single.

Of course, the defense is definitely not as powerful as the Nine Crystal Shield of Profound Light.


Su Xin took out the Tianwu spear from the space ring, and was grabbed by the will war spirit, and then performed a flowery Tianwu shootout in front of Su Xin fiercely.

This made Su Xin overjoyed, and the Will War Spirit can also use the magical powers he knows!

In his heart, the level of satisfaction with the War Spirit of Will suddenly rose again, and when he thought of the hint from the genetic device, Su Xin controlled the entire room with murderous aura. In an instant, the temperature of the room dropped rapidly, like a deep ice cellar.


Su Xin’s terrifying murderous aura was fully absorbed by the will battle spirit. The two innate abilities did not fuse together to produce a new innate ability, but they combined the abilities very well.

At this moment, the will battle spirit exudes not only the surging fighting intent that dares to fight in the sky, but also the endless terrifying killing intent that is extremely frightening, and its appearance is also gray, just standing in place, it is like a statue without it. Unworldly Killing God of Any Emotions!

The will war spirit is not a clone, it is transformed by Su Xin’s will, as long as Su Xin’s will does not die, this war spirit will never die.

Su Xin was very excited about the new special talent, and kept fiddling with it until the next day.

Su Xin’s provocation last night was also spread among other races, and there is a big plan to join forces to go to the Human Race Palace to find a place.

But Su Xin doesn’t care about these things, he doesn’t have to accept it for his own work. If they want to trouble the human race, it must be the top ten talents who come out to stop them.

No, after Su Xin made some preparations, he brought the arrogance of the Terran from last night to the play hall again. This time the number of people has increased significantly.

Outside the Dream Clan Palace, Wang Tong shouted loudly: “Dream Clan rubbish, your human grandfather is here to play, why don’t you get out!?”

Human race to say their particularity, may be reproduction and learning ability. While other races have their own inherent advantages, this Dream Race is born with a strong spirit, and Su Xin is of course very interested in them.

His Primordial Spirit also used a lot of cultivators of the same realm, but it was not proportional to the strength of his own and the increasing strength of the day. This is also the balance problem that Su Xin wants to solve all the time.

To raise the primordial spirit to a level similar to strength, even if it is not equal to strength, it cannot be too different.

“Your human race is really arrogant and arrogant, have you forgotten the painful lessons of the last Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference?” The Mengzu Palace was opened, and some men and women walked out of it, looking like elves, handsome and beautiful.

“Go away, it’s all about the past, who do you still remember!” Wang Tong shouted, then came to Su Xin, and said, “This is our Senior Brother Su, who wants to see your Dream Clan Tianjiao. Ability, dare to take it?”

Su Xin was surprised last night. It turns out that those with a dog-legged character are not mediocre. This Wang Tong seems to have awakened the dog-legged character inexplicably.

263 “I’ll come.” At this moment, a beautiful girl stepped out from the crowd of the other party. She had a crystal-like mark on her forehead, and her realm was also half a step from Sendai.

It seems that Su Xin’s incident last night has already spread, and no one will list out opponents who correspond to Su Xin’s realm at the beginning.

“Then come here, and let Senior Brother Su give you a buff!” Wang Tong didn’t know what buff meant, guessing that the buff was Su Xin’s fist.

Su Xin laughed and stepped forward to look at the girl: “Human Su Xin.”

“Dream clan dream of eating.”

The girl nodded slightly, and then slapped her hands together, the power of the soul spread out to the extent visible to the naked eye, and Su Xin was immediately filled with the soul of the other party.

In an instant, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he came to a hot magma field, and at the same time, his senses were all disordered, whether it was the sense of time or the touch, it seemed to be very slow.

“Dreamland?” Su Xin’s eyes lit up again and again, this was the first time he had seen this kind of fighting style.

At this moment, the figure of Meng Chi slowly appeared above Su Xin. She seemed to have descended into this dreamland as a god of creation, and pointed at Su Xin.


This magma field immediately scorched out hot magma, and it blasted away at Su Xin!

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