0123 Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh! (3/10, please subscribe!)

Seeing Su Xin rushing towards him with a calm face, Bo Li laughed, his heart full of fighting spirit.

The Gorefiends are bloodthirsty people, they don’t seem to know the emotion of fear, since when Su Xin killed those Gorefiends in Nanling, the other party and Huluwa to save the grandfather seem to know that they may rush up. Died, but still chose to rush towards Su Xin as you can see.

Seeing Su Xin take out the Tianwu gun, Huaxiang Rongmei’s eyes in the audience couldn’t help but tighten.

There are only two people who know Su Xin’s terrifying perception of supernatural powers. One is Liu Ling. Su Xin watched the Great Emperor practice Star Indestructible Boxing in front of her with his own eyes, and after a while, he mastered them all. The other is the floral fragrance.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Xin approached Po Xun, he performed Hua Xiangrong’s Tianwu shooting, so Hua Xiangrong’s beautiful eyes were brimming with brilliance, looking at Su Xin’s figure like a god of war, but was deeply attracted.

On the other hand, Po Xun, who was equally valiant and unparalleled in his use of the Immemorial God’s Blood and the Halberd, collided violently with Su Xin as two illusory afterimages.

Their speed and the gap between their attacks are so fast that even some holy powerhouses can’t see clearly. What does this mean?

Both of them already have the fighting power to defeat the saints!

Not to mention the arrogant 270 in the audience, they couldn’t see the battle between the two at all, they could only vaguely see the spear and halberd banging together, making a deafening roar and explosion. .

The Great Sage Heiyuan has come to the top of the two at this moment, strengthening the formation of the No. 1 area, preventing the formation from being unable to withstand the protracted battle between the two and collapsing and affecting the battle of Tianjiao in other areas.

At the same time, the Great Sage Heiyuan also sighed in his heart that there were only a handful of arrogant figures in the past, but in this era, eleven or more can appear at one time.

“Hahaha! Happy! Your murderous aura, let it go!” After a while, Bo Xun’s wild laughter sounded in everyone’s ears.

His voice was full of endless fighting intent. The sea of ​​blood on the broadcasting station had already turned into the strongest blood-colored ocean to cover the entire broadcasting station. Countless blood shadows appeared in the middle and attacked Su Xin.

At the same time, the huge blood shadow of the Shifang Gorefiend naturally cooperated with Wave Xun’s attack and attacked Su Xin furiously.

“Seal the light and destroy the battle!” Su Xin grabbed the Tianwu spear with both hands, and gave a low voice in his heart, but his expression still didn’t change much.

The strength of the wave tour is indeed very strong, and it is worthy of Su Xin to take it seriously, but it is not enough for Su Xin to release all his emotions and fight heartily.

As for the ultimate combat power of this wave of patrol, it is natural for Su Xin to force it out.

Su Xin danced the Tianwu spear with both hands, and shot out with one shot.

This move is Hua Xiangrong, and the latter has long been stunned at this time. She never thought that her marksmanship would be able to achieve such power.

But in fact, the essence of this gun, Hua Xiangrong can’t achieve in her whole life.

Every shot of the spear represents an attack talent of Su Xin, including thunder, fire, wind, etc. It is too simple for Su Xin to integrate talent into guns. It can be released in one move.

Such a fusion of innate abilities naturally made the power of this Tianwu shootout rise to a terrifying level.

Broken! Taste!

The Tianwu spear in Su Xin’s hand shattered directly after performing this move. Su Xin threw the broken spear on the ground as soon as his face darkened, and shouted, “What a broken spear.”

Hua Xiangrong just had a trace of admiration for Su Xin all of a sudden disappeared, and became very complaining.

Five Elements “Gorefiend Dafa!” Although the Tianwu spear shattered, the terrifying power of this spear would not dissipate. When the wave of patrol saw this, the blood halberd suddenly clapped his hands together.

The blood in his whole body has already tended to the point of burning, and in the boundless sea of ​​terrifying blood, four (cdda) blood demons from the ten directions appeared again, and this time it was a completely different aura. The giant blood shadows each represent the power of the five elements.


Seeing this scene, Tianjiao in the audience immediately looked terrified. The combat power of the ten-party Gorefiend giant shadow was already terrifying, and now there are four more?

They felt that they had been looking up at the Young Emperor infinitely, but at the moment they discovered it with sadness in their hearts. With their level, it was impossible to speculate on what level the Young Emperor had reached.

Even Su Xin had a look of surprise in his eyes at the moment.

“Ha! The Five Elements Senluo Big Mudra!” Bo Xun’s attitude is unrestrained, he has completely entered the state, and his expression is also invincible.

This is the style of a young emperor. As an emperor, when he was born, he defeated the invincible hand in the world and ascended the throne of the emperor with the respect of thousands of people!

Five huge handprints were released from the hands of the five Gorefiend giant shadows, carrying the power of tearing the sky. The five seals were issued at once, and in an instant, Su Xin’s combination of many talents and abilities was smashed to pieces. .


Su Xin exhaled lightly, the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

I saw that when Bo Xun smashed his seal of light, his feet were like stepping on lightning, and his figure was like a rainbow, and he came to Bo Xun in a flash, and when he punched out, he shouted in a low voice: “Hundred times!” Power is!”

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!

What he punched was not a punch with a hundred times the power, but a continuous punch with a hundred times the power.

No matter how powerful your supernatural powers are, you can break the heavens and the earth, and I will break all laws by myself!

Boom boom boom!

Where is Su Xin’s strength in terms of strength? Is it basic strength? No! In terms of basic strength, the power of the Golden Clan Tianjiao in Sendai is not weaker than Su Xin, and even much higher.

But Su Xin has a hundred times more power, which they can’t match.

In addition, Su Xin’s hundredfold strength has passed through the initial stage of physical weakness. He has combined tenacity, dragon essence gene, wood essence gene, and nine purple palaces. The horror of the background is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

In terms of strength, Su Xin is not even a hundred times stronger, but his terrifying recovery ability that will never dry up and the physical strength that can withstand his continuous bursts of a hundred times strength!

In the blink of an eye, Su Xin had already smashed with dozens of punches and a hundred times the force.

The arrogances under the stage immediately started a frenzy again, and their expressions seemed to be a little numb at the moment, and they even forgot to show their shocked expressions.

In the scene they saw, the Five Elements Gorefiend Venerable Cai Bo Xun’s terrifying aura was shattering completely under Su Xin’s continuous punches.

How can the defense of the Five Elements Gorefiend of the young emperor Bo Xun be weak?!!

It’s Su Xin’s power is too strong!!

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