0137 I am at a loss, the three of you will go together! (7/10, please subscribe! 】

Su Xin said before that he wanted Jianchen’s Daluo sword embryo. He didn’t mean to grab it directly, but wanted to have the same Wuji sword embryo as the Daluo sword embryo. Might be suitable for the latter.

Su Xin was a little surprised that Jian Chen died like this, but in fact he and Jian Chen didn’t even say a word, and he wouldn’t have any feeling of sympathy with Jian Chen.

So Jian Chen’s death was just a sudden surprise and would not make Su Xin sad. Of course, there are also some sighs. Jian Chen’s strength should be among the top three of the top ten young emperors. It is really a pity to die like this.

On the side of the arrogance of the human race, they looked at the golden god child who stepped on Jian Chen’s body with anger, and some even cursed.

“What? Can’t afford to lose? When Su Xin of your human race killed the first demon, didn’t you jump up with joy?” The golden god child was arrogant, his head turned to the human race, and he sneered and sneered.

However, the competition in the arena was over, so he wouldn’t just stay on Jian Chen’s body like this.

“The Golden Clan wins.” The Great Sage Heiyuan had a solemn expression, but he also announced the result.

“Golden power, invincible!”

“Golden power, invincible!”

On the Golden Clan’s side, they shouted the wise words of the Golden Clan like a fanatical believer, and they didn’t care about the hostile gaze of the Human Race, just like when Su Xin killed Po Xun, the Human Race didn’t care about the Demon Race’s gaze.

Jiujiansheng’s arms trembled slightly. After taking away Jianchen’s body, his expression did not change much, but his old eyes revealing deep sadness can still be seen.

“It’s just like this..” Saintess Tianxuan beside Su Xin sighed with emotion, a bit as if from a lifetime. If Tianjiao like Jian Chen didn’t fall in the middle, he would definitely become the top powerhouse of the human race in the future.

The death of Jian Chen made Saintess Tianxuan, a woman who likes to gossip, settle down a lot.

Next, there will naturally be the appearance of the Young Emperor, but it is less shocking than the battle between the Golden Son of God and Jian Chen.

There is a bit of sadness on the side of the human race that is greater than death, so keep quiet.

To Su Xin’s surprise, he got a bye again.

Feiling Divine Son fought against the strongest Tianjiao of the Stone Clan, Feiling Divine Son won, and the victory was very easy.

The battle between the three-eyed boy and the first holy son of the desolate clan was more intense. The three-eyed boy was not only a half-step saint, but also seemed to understand the magical power of time, so he fought with the third holy son of the desolate clan and defeated him. the latter.

Gold God Son, Feiling God Son, Sanyan Zhangzi and Su Xin have advanced to the top four. They will compete tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be the first.

“Su Xin, if you meet the golden god son later, if you can’t break his immortality, and all the tribes will leave, then Ziyuan looks at Su Xin, and the voice transmission is halfway through, perhaps considering the pride of Tianjiao, and did not continue. Go on, but the meaning is obvious.

The human race has lost a top genius of all ethnic groups, and she doesn’t like Su Xin to fall on this Tianjiao Conference, or she has regarded Su Xin as a person from the Holy Land of Yaochi, and has selfishness and does not want Su Xin to fall.

Shion “Senior thinks too much.” Su Xin said lightly.

Zi Yuan was stunned, showing a dazed look, Su Xin should have said that if there was a real danger, he would not endure it, um, it should be like this, Su Xin is mature, how could he be out of control?

“Amitabha.” The space monk folded his hands together and whispered the Buddha’s name, and left.

The other arrogances of the human race also bowed their heads and looked silent.

until tomorrow.

Hei Dashengyuan was also a little emotional when he saw that the Tianjiao Conference had come to the last day, and there were only four top Tianjiao of all races left.

“In the first game, Su Xin of the human race will play against the golden god son of the golden race!” The puppets around the Fengshen arena shot out two rays of divine light, which landed on the halo on the hands of the golden god child and Su Xin. The Great Sage Heiyuan saw this and immediately spoke. .

“I really have a relationship with the human race!” The Golden God Child looked at Su Xin, grinned wickedly, and immediately took the lead on the ring.

The scene where Jian Chen was killed yesterday is still fresh in my mind, and today it is Su Xin fighting against the Golden Son of God again. It is certain that the arrogance of the human race will be bumpy.

The Liu family sisters all looked at Su Xin worriedly, and the latter gave Su Xin a reassuring look.

Immediately afterwards, he also ignored the good-willed instructions from the Tianjiao side of the human race, but jumped to the ring, but did not look at the golden son, but clasped his fists at Hei Dashengyuan: “Senior Heiyuan, the junior has a request. , I wonder if it can be done?”

“Tell me about it.” The Great Sage Heiyuan nodded.

“The junior wants to fight the Golden God, Feiling God and Sanmu Douji alone!” Su Xin said with a serious expression.

“I’m Three Eyes Zhangzi!” Three Eyes Zhangzi is like a child, and at this moment, he is really a bit unusually cute.

As soon as Su Xin’s words fell, the Great Sage Heiyuan didn’t have time to make a stunned expression, and the Golden God Child was already looking like he was furious, and even had the intention of attacking Su Xin directly.

He shouted angrily at Su Xin: “Human Su Xin, what do you mean!”

Of course he was angry, and he was also angry at the Feiling God Son and the Three-eyed Boy, who regarded Su Xin as opponents of the same level, but Su Xin did not see them at all?

“” means of course I don’t want to fight with garbage one by one, wasting time. “Su Xin glanced at the Golden Son of God and said with a light expression.

“You say I’m trash?” The golden light suddenly exploded from God Son’s body, his aura turned the world upside down, and he was extremely angry.

“Hey, hey, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to target you, I meant that you three are rubbish!” Su Xin waved his hand, and then his expression showed a look of disdain.

This scene simply made everyone wrap Heiyuan and other great saints of all races a little bit unable to react?

What does Su Xin mean, being carried away by anger because of Jian Chen’s death, one-on-three? Want to die so much?

How do they know what Su Xin thinks, one-on-one Su Xin is sure to win, but Su Xin has other ideas.

Although Su Xin was mad, he was too lazy to show his meaningless madness.

He is now in the half-step Sendai (Zhao Zhao) realm. To break through the realm, he can use swallowing the sky to refine the massive cultivation resources, and he can also integrate genes. But don’t forget, breaking through in battle is also a way to make breakthroughs.

If a young emperor can’t put pressure on Su Xin, then come three at a time!

Su Xin wanted to break through to the Immortal Realm in one fell swoop in the battle with the three young emperors.

Of course, not being afraid of death and not wanting to die are two different things. The former is a will, and the latter is an instinct. Of course Su Xin didn’t want to die. Of course, he did this because of the strength of these young emperors these days.

As long as the other three can’t kill him with all their strength, it’s fine, it’s better to put pressure on him, so that Su Xin can try to attack the fairyland.


After Su Xin finished speaking, Wanzu Tianjiao seemed to be petrified for a moment, what did Su Xin just say?

The three young emperors are all rubbish?

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