0173 A salute for the birth of Bunny Girl Long Feier!! (3/10, please subscribe!)

At this time, Su Xin had recovered to an adult body, holding Long Feier and galloping in the sky.

“You, why are you so strong?” The shock in Long Feier’s heart has not disappeared, she has always remembered the hatred of Su Xin for stealing her Yuan Yin, even if it is very deep now, she is just seeing Su Xin like that After her powerful gesture, she didn’t know how hard she should try to catch up with Su Xin.

Not to mention that they are now Su Xin’s pets.

Long Fei’er has a strong character and is also very affectionate. She knows that if she stubbornly disobeys Su Xin, then Su Xin will most likely directly kill the five great sages of the demon clan. This is because she is unwilling to do so. saw.

And her character is not vague or hesitant in making decisions, so she will make decisions in the five breaths.

“To tell you the truth, in fact, I am the reincarnation of a god emperor. The reason why my strength has improved so quickly is because I have the experience of being a god emperor in the previous life. Demon, being decisive and ruthless is the result of my rapid growth in strength.” Su Xin heard the words, her face condensed immediately, and she replied in a serious tone.

“God, the reincarnation of the god emperor!” Long Feier seemed to have a very simple mind, subconsciously thinking that Su Xin was telling the truth, her beautiful eyes widened, and she whispered, “What realm is the god emperor?”

“Uh.. Anyway, it’s the kind that is very strong, the kind you can’t imagine with your vision.” Su Xin saw that this girl was so bluffing, but she didn’t have any interest in continuing to make fun of her.

However, there is still interest in training.

Half an hour later, Su Xin and Long Feier appeared in a temporary cave.

The two were alone in a room, Long Feier suddenly thought of something, and his eyes became tense.

She thought that Su Xin was the reason why she fascinated herself and then took her away. Now, should she want it again..

Thinking of this, Long Feier gritted her teeth lightly, not feeling that she clenched her right fist tightly.

“Come out, my first battle maid!” I saw that Su Xin didn’t do anything to her either. Instead, she sacrificed a picture of all beasts and called out Lin’er, who was cultivating with a deep heart.

“Master, you finally let me out, how long has it been outside? Lin’er has now realized the third cut of the demon emperor’s 90% discount, and has already stepped into the fairyland!” Lin wearing a pretty maid outfit Er appears in front of Su Xin again after Su Xin’s months-long idle play.

After listening to her words, Su Xin remembered that there was something about the Demon Emperor Jiu Zhan, which he forgot.

He coughed lightly, and then said to Long Fei’er who looked suspicious: “Let me introduce you, she is Lin’er of the demon clan, Tianfeng clan, and you will be sisters in the future.”

“Master, who is she?” Lin’er’s mood has been subtly and very effective, at least now the title of “Master” is not remembered at all, and she looks at Long Feier with a kind of vigilance.

It’s true that Long Feier is the strongest genius of the demon clan, but Lin’er doesn’t seem to have seen the former.

“She is the strongest genius of your demon clan, Taixu Gulong Long Fei’er, didn’t the master say that he would accept her as a mount?” Su Xin raised her head, and after speaking, ignoring Lin’er’s shock, her eyes began to Look at Long Feier.

Lin Er was shocked that Su Xin’s casual words had come true. Then she suddenly found out that Su Xin was already a monk in the Saint Realm.

Omg! How long has the master kept me locked up? How many years have passed outside?

Long Fei’er saw that Su Xin’s eyes had some peculiar smell, and her expression became a little uncomfortable at the moment.

To say that Su Xin wants to go to the grass and cry Long Feier now is not difficult, but he doesn’t like this kind of tune, anyway, he is his own battle maid, and he is his own maid, why should Su Xin be in a hurry?

“Cough, stand up.” Su Xin coughed lightly, and then took out all kinds of clothes to match Long Feier’s figure.

Long Fei’er is the onee-san type, but she is not pure. She has a bit of cuteness in her personality.

(cdda), a maid outfit should not be appropriate.

Nurse outfits must be gentle and inappropriate.

OL professional suit.. seems to fit a bit.

The police uniform looks good too.

Gorgeous cheongsam outfit, well, I don’t like cheongsam, pass.

In this way, Su Xin held Long Feier’s collection of clothes one after another and compared them to Long Feier.

“What on earth are you trying to do?” Long Feier endured a lot of torment in this inexplicable and uneasy mood, and finally couldn’t help but drink it lightly.

“This is not the tone of speaking to the master, Lin’er, punish her!” Su Xin shook his head and said to Lin’er beside him.

Lin’er was a little dumb and asked subconsciously: “Ah? How to punish.

“Spank her ass with hands, use force!”

Hiss~ Long Fei’er took a deep breath when she heard this, her delicate body trembling with anger.

Lin’er hesitated for a long time before she came down to Long Feier under Su Xin’s increasingly unhappy gaze, and patted Long Feier’s butt.


“Huh? What a strong elasticity! I want to fight again!” Lin Er was shocked.

Su Xin nodded with satisfaction, then he was suddenly shocked and made up his mind.

Long Feier’s temperament is a bit similar to Riven in League of Legends. She has a knight-like strong character and a cute and cute side.

It’s up to you! Bunny Dress Up!!!

Put on “it.” Su Xin took out the bunny girl costume and handed it to Long Feier. The black silk bunny girl is very sexy and revealing, but in fact Su Xin will not show it to others. Long Feier can see it in this dress. Only him Su Xin!

“I, I… Long Feier is a little overwhelmed, and doesn’t know what the hell Su Xin is doing.

But she was forced to dress up as a bunny girl. Of course, when she changed her clothes, Su Xin saved her some face and turned around on purpose.

clap clap!

“Lin’er applauds, not bad, not bad.” Turning around again, Su Xin immediately clapped her hands and praised Long Feier, who wanted to cover the exposed parts of her body.

Lin’er also applauded at the right time.

“What the hell are you doing!” Long Feier cried out in embarrassment and grievance at Su Xin.

“Call me master.” Su Xin’s face lit up.

Long Feier turned her head away, a little reluctant.

“Fortunately, I’m still in the demon clan’s territory, so it’s not too much trouble to go back and kill that old man Chongxiao.” Seeing this, Su Xin muttered to himself, and then walked out of the cave.

“You come back.”

“Have you changed your mind?”

“Lord, Master, are you satisfied!”

“I’m not very satisfied, I’ll call you again, preferably with a tone of seven-point shyness and three-point anger.


In this way, the bunny girl Long Fei’er, who only belongs to Su Xin, was born today!

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