Chapter 114 The Violent Citizens (For Automatic Subscription, Full Order!)


As Ji Nan thought.

Shortly after the tiger lurked out, there was a roar of thunder in the sky.

This sound overlapped with the sound of sporadic artillery fire in the city.

It seems to herald the tragic future of this scarred city.

The rainstorm is coming.

But the Mopka warlords did not stop their offensive.

Instead, they attacked the government troops even more frantically.

They want to end the battle before the rainy season begins.

The government army is desperately resisting, not allowing the other side to attack.

Everyone knows that once the rainy season begins, it will slow down the pace of the war.

At this time, on the top floor of a private house.

-The sniper rifle with grey camouflage is mounted by Ji Nan.

After the side quests started, Ji Nan got a temporary opportunity to enter the store.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Nan purchased some equipment that could help him complete the kills more smoothly.

This includes advanced urban combat camouflage.

The coat camouflage that matches the main building in the area makes Ji Nan appear to be at one with the building.

Even the sniper rifle has turned into the gray-black appearance of the building.

Not only that, Ji Nan also bought some special bullets from the store.

One of them is [Decoy Bullets].

[Decoy Bullet: A bullet fired silently, the bullet has no lethality, but it can simulate strange sounds. ”

Decoy bullets, priced at 10,000 euros.

This kind of bullet is the bullet used to attract people.

After the sniper launches it to the wall, it will be firmly fixed to the wall, and it will emit an alarming sound around it.

This can lead people out for the purpose of exposing the target.

This is a special bullet that is very useful in urban combat.

Of course, Ji Nan still needs to do one thing now.

That was to find Mopka’s true location.

Although the position of Mopka is marked on the nanomask.

There can be barriers of layers of buildings.

Ji Nan didn’t know which room Mopka was in.

He took out a palm-sized unmanned reconnaissance drone from his arms.

Ji Nan threw it out the window.

fly out.

Although the sky has begun to rain heavily, the drones produced by the system do not have to worry about problems in this environment.

Controlling the drone to look around.

As soon as he flew out of the window, Ji Nan saw a team of Mopka walking past him downstairs.

This scene made Ji Nan break out in a cold sweat.


It seems that after the incident that he led people to escape last night, the entire city began to be under martial law.

But thankfully these soldiers weren’t so bored that they went into every room and checked it out.

This kept Ji Nan from being exposed.

Control the drone to fly high in the sky.

Ji Nan found out.

On the surrounding three blocks, but three teams were patrolling.

Is this patrol frequency a bit too high?

Thinking of this, Ji Nan frowned slightly.

But when Ji Nan pushed the drone’s control stick forward to let the drone scout farther, Ji Nan finally discovered the reason.

In a building about two blocks away, a small, heavily guarded building

On the third floor of the small building, the drone found Mopka.

At this moment, Mopka was looking at something in a simple office.

Seeing this, Ji Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A sly guy, Mopka didn’t even enter the government building in Eseva after opening it, but chose an ordinary private house as his base.

Such a cautious mind gave Nan a headache.

Because his current sniper position is exactly aimed at the Eseva government building.

From here, you can basically snipe to every point of the government building.

At that time, Ji Nan was thinking that Mopka would definitely work in the building after he took down the building.

But who would have thought that the other party was somewhere else.

Afraid of Eagle Nation’s drones?

Thinking of this, Ji Nan couldn’t help sneering.

It has to be said that the other party is indeed a very scheming person.

If you stay in the government building all the time, maybe the drone of Eagle Country will send a “big baby” in the next second.

Now staying in a private house, if there is no accurate situation, no one can find him at all.

In fact, Mopka really thinks so.

However, Mopka never imagined that Ji Nan had already locked his position through the drone in the rain outside.

Ji Nan immediately notified Hu after finding out that the location was not working.

“Tiger, where are you now?”

“Dragon Team”, I have approached the place where the prisoners are being held. The security here is heavily guarded, and I am not very good at doing things.

Like Ji Nan, the vigorous tiger hid in a private house not far from where the prisoners were being held, and was observing the ground (bfac) where the prisoners were being held below.

This is a private house. Mopka’s people temporarily converted it into a prison and locked everyone in it.

“Wait a minute, I just discovered Mopka’s location, he’s in the government building, and you’re doing it when I move to a position where I can snipe him.”

“Yes, Dragons!”

After hanging up the headset, Ji Nan put the sniper rifle back on his back.

Then the cat ran down to a sniper spot.

No one will know that a sniper is running through the city.

Soon, Ji Nan came to the next sniping point after bypassing several groups of defending soldiers.

The same old house.

But unlike before, this house is a large one-piece house.

It can be seen that the person who used to live here must be a rich man.

But what Ji Nan didn’t expect was that just after he entered the room through the window through the thunderstorm, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the roof.


Hearing this voice, Ji Nan’s movements suddenly slowed down.

As I said before, this is an old house.

The floors on the second floor are all wood.

Those who can live in a room like this with wooden floors on the second floor in a place like Eswat must be rich or expensive.

Walking on this wooden floor, it is easy to make a creaking sound.

But soon, Ji Nan heard a different voice.

It sounded like the cry of a woman and a child!

Carefully walked upstairs.

Ji Nan took out his pistol and approached upstairs a little bit.

The special combat boots made Ji Nan seem like a ghost at this time, and quietly approached the second floor.

From the next room came the arrogant laughter of the Mopka warlord soldiers.

Of course, there are also the voices of pain accompanied by women and children.

Carefully came to the door of the room where the sound came.

Ji Nan saw an infuriating scene.

I saw three Mopka soldiers violently attacking a family of three.

An ordinary man was being punched and kicked on the ground by two soldiers, unable to fight back.

On the side, another soldier was laughing and holding a gun at a woman and two children in the corner.

The woman looks beautiful, and the soldier’s eyes are full of animal light!

“Okay, just drag it out and kill it, it’s raining heavily now, take advantage of this time to be cool.”

The Mopka soldiers guarding the girls and children were obviously hungry.

After fighting with the army for a long time, let alone a woman, I have never seen a sow.

Now it’s hard to break into the capital of Eseva.

I just happened to find such a beautiful woman during my inspection today.

How could these irascible soldiers hold back.

At this time, the woman hugged the child tightly and cried in despair.

“Stop fighting, please don’t fight, you can do anything you want me to do, please let my husband go!”

Seeing her husband being beaten almost rolled his eyes, the woman was in pain.

In war zones, no one can live with dignity anymore.

Even if you want to save your life, it is impossible.

“Haha, madam, don’t struggle, yes, cry more, the more you cry, the happier I will be! Hahahaha!

Look at the woman crying.

The Mopka soldier laughed.

There was a perverted emotion in his eyes.

In such a continuous battle, the only place these soldiers can vent is to use violence against the weak.

On the battlefield, they are Mopka’s cannon fodder, precarious.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow?

As long as they make themselves happy, these soldiers can do anything.

Hearing that the two teammates behind him were still fighting, the soldier frowned slightly.

“Hey, you two are quick, kill them quickly, we still have a task after finishing here.”

Hearing this, the two soldiers who were violent to the man finally stopped.

One of the soldiers grabbed the man’s hair and dragged it out the door.

The other person walked towards the woman with a wicked smile.

Seeing that her husband is about to be pulled out and executed by these Damn it soldiers.

The woman is desperate.

Crying and wanting to rush over to grab her husband, he was punched to the ground by two soldiers.

At this time, the man had been beaten with air but not out.

But even so, the man’s almost hematoma eyes still looked at his wife and children.

He reached out his hand tremblingly, as if to grab his wife and daughter.

But in the end, the hand fell down weakly.

Push the door open to the outside floor.

The soldier threw the man on the ground, then raised his gun and aimed it at the man who had been unable to move.

Heard the sound of guns being drawn outside.

The soldiers in the room hurriedly said.

Idiot “, don’t use a gun! It will be troublesome if someone hears it, and solve it with a knife!”

Before the Mopka warlords entered the city.

Mopka ordered his men to do such things as lynchings.

Because this is likely to make the people in the city defect to the government army.

This is very bad for the war situation.

However, everyone understands that this rule is just an empty rule.

Even Mopka himself understands.

If these subordinates who have been in the mountains and forests for several months have no place to vent, it is easy to cause riots.

So Mopka turned a blind eye to this kind of thing.

Just don’t make too much movement.

Hearing his companion’s words, the soldier put down the gun, took out the machete behind him, and raised it high with a grin.

For these soldiers, killing these unarmed ordinary people is also a way of decompression.

I saw the man staring at him with wide eyes.

The soldier laughed.

“Remember me carefully, maybe one day we will meet in hell!”

However, just as the soldier was about to start, the soldier suddenly found out.

The man doesn’t seem to be looking at himself, but behind him!

There was a shadow on the ground!

He turned around abruptly, and saw a tall man with a silver-gray mask on his face coming behind him.

It’s Ji Nan!

A hold on the soldier’s mouth.

Just hear a click.

Ji Nan’s powerful force snapped the soldier’s neck in an instant.

He fell softly to the ground.

After killing the soldier with a very quick hand.

Ji Nan turned around and walked into the room.

At this time, the two soldiers had already dragged the woman to the corner to prepare for violence.

In despair, the woman suddenly froze.

Seeing the woman’s stunned expression, the two soldiers were also taken aback.

Is there something behind this?

Quickly look back.

But what can be seen is only a cold muzzle.

Poof! Poof!

A pistol with a silencer instantly killed both of them.

Under the veil of rain outside the window, no one could hear what was happening in the house.

Only the sound of thumping to the ground was heard.

Looking at the two people on the ground, the woman wanted to cry out in fear.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t take action against you, leave here quickly.

Look at the ragged woman in the corner.

Ji Nan sighed deeply.

Situations like this are still happening all over the city.

But Ji Nan understands that he can’t control this, what he can do is to save the poor woman’s life temporarily.

As if remembering something, the woman hurriedly ran out of the room and knelt down beside the man.

At this time, the man has already been breathing in but not breathing out.

The two children followed their mother and ran out, watching this scene at a loss.

The woman’s two children are less than six years old.

In the face of this situation, what kind of emotion should a woman’s child use to express the emotion in her heart?

“Please, save my husband, I will give you whatever you want, please.”

Seeing that Ji Nan also came out of the room, the woman knelt down in front of Ji Nan and kowtowed to Ji Nan desperately.

Even the blood oozing from his forehead did not stop.

Looking at the woman, Ji Nan shook his head and hugged the woman.

Then pat on the waist.

A blood needle appeared in Ji Nan’s hand.

He came to the man’s side and stabbed him in the heart.

At this scene, the frightened woman exclaimed.

But soon, the woman was pleasantly surprised to find that her husband who was almost out of breath just now.

The breathing gradually became stronger.

The power of the blood needle pulled the dying man back from death.

Soon, the man recovered.

Looking at Ji Nan, the man said weakly.

“thank you.”

“No thanks, I ask you, does your house have an attic?

Hearing Ji Nan’s words, the woman couldn’t help but be taken aback.

He hurriedly nodded towards Ji Nan.

“Yes, sir.”

“Take me there. By the way, for your own safety, you must hide in the attic.”

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