Chapter 221 The duel between the elites (for automatic subscription, full order!)

Soon, Ji Nan came to the sniper spot that was reserved before departure.

He opened the door and ran quickly towards the roof of the building. On the roof of this building, was the sniper spot Ji Nan had prepared for him.

Take advantage of the rooftops of high-rise buildings outside the factory.

Ji Nan can clearly see the scene behind the factory.

But just as Ji Nan was carrying a sniper rifle in the corridor to the rooftop.

Only a crisp gunshot was heard from behind the building.

This shot surprised Ji Nan in his heart.

He quickly picked up the binoculars and looked out from the glass in the corridor.

The scene where Wang Zhiwen was shot just happened to be seen by Ji Nan.

There are snipers!

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Nan’s mind.

Immediately turn the telescope to look at the water tower not far away.

I saw that on the water tower, there was a gun barrel sticking out from the back of the water tower.

This made Ji Nan understand that there must be a sniper there.

“Natasha, are you at the sniper spot now?”

“It will take a while.

The two sniping points are not in the same position.

This is also the cooperation habit between Ji Nan and Natasha.

If the two want to cooperate in sniping, it must be ensured that the two can support each other and set up sniper points from different angles.

Because Natasha’s sniper point is further away.

So now Natasha has not reached the designated position.

“Damn, can’t wait any longer.

In the telescope, it can be clearly seen that Wang Zhiwen and Ma Wen rolled into a nearby canal because of the bullet.

Thinking of this, Ji Nan immediately took 15 shots of the sniper rifle behind him, then opened the window of the corridor and placed the sniper rifle on the windowsill.

Ji Nan understood that he had no time to rush to the rooftop.

Now that the situation is critical, you must act immediately.

Kill the opponent’s sniper first!

Holding his breath, Ji Nan took aim at the barrel of the gun that was exposed behind the water tower.

Suddenly, the corner of his eyes swept to the place where Wang Zhiwen and others fell just behind the building.

I saw a member of the Satan team unexpectedly received the side of the water channel at some point.

This scene made Ji Nan’s pupils shrink.

Now, Ji Nan has two options.

First, regardless of the Satan Squad member who has already touched the canal, continue to keep an eye on the opponent’s sniper. In this way, you can not reveal your position in advance and ensure that you will kill the most threatening sniper in the Satan Squad!

Second, save people first! Shoot the person close to the canal first, but in this way, your position will be exposed, and your side will definitely be watched by the opponent’s snipers! It means that you can’t cooperate with Natasha. , And now I don’t know if there are other snipers in the Satan team elsewhere, so it’s easy to put myself in danger.

Considering the time is only a short moment.

But Ji Nan quickly made a choice!

Save people first!

Whether it’s a game mission or his awareness of being a Dragon Kingdom.

Let Ji Nan understand that it is the most correct choice to save his compatriots first.

As for these Satan Squad members, there is time to talk to them!

Turn the gun sharply.

In the scope, I saw that the member of the Satan team had raised the gun in his hand and aimed at the person in the canal.

Seeing this scene, Ji Nan took a deep breath.

Make the scope as smooth as possible.

Since the lying position cannot be used in the corridor, the body of the sniper rifle is not so stable.

But enough for Ji Nan!

The crosshair was aimed at the head of the Satan squad that had already arrived at the scene.

Ji Nan pulled the trigger decisively!

Wang Zhiwen really did not expect that there were still enemies hidden behind the building.

And not just one.

Watching the muzzle of the heavily armed team member slowly raise his gun.

Wang Zhiwen closed his eyes in despair.

It’s my own intention.

Wang Zhiwen, who has not experienced military training, has not been able to make it this far.

Wang Zhiwen did not expect that in the panic, he actually stepped into an even bigger dead end.

It was as if he saw the sinister smile on the corner of the Satan team member’s mouth.

A trace of remorse appeared in Wang Zhiwen’s heart.

I thought it would be a money-making thing to take my brothers abroad.

Now it seems that I have harmed them.


Muttering these three words in his mouth, Wang Zhiwen closed his eyes and waited to die.


The crisp sound of gunfire came from the night sky.

Wang Zhiwen shuddered subconsciously after hearing the gunshot.

But when Wang Zhiwen opened his eyes, the scene in front of him made Wang Zhiwen stunned.

He wasn’t dead, but the Satan team member in front of him had a stunned look in his eyes.

The hideous smile froze on his face.

Just hear a thud.

The members of the Satan Squad fell down, and the whole person fell head down into the ditch.

Look at this restless Satan Squad member.

Wang Zhiwen’s pupils tightened.

Although not professionally trained.

But the active-minded Wang Zhiwen reacted as soon as he saw the opponent fall.

Someone is helping themselves!

And this scene was also seen by Capes on the water tower.

Originally, Karpez stopped shooting after seeing his teammates touch it.

This team member was the team member responsible for the power outage just behind the building.

After the power outage was pulled, the player was on standby in the back in case of an accident.

Now it really comes in handy.

It has to be said that Augustana really has a hand in personnel allocation.

This is also the reason why the Satan Squad is so skilled that they recognize Ogudona as the captain.

It’s because Ogudona’s tactical distribution is just right every time.

Everyone not only has their own things to do, but also supports their teammates.

Because of this, so far, Satan Squad has never had any casualties.

The commander of a squad is the soul of the squad.

And Augustana is clearly enough to take on the role of this soul.

Now, the big picture is set.

Just wait for your teammates to kill that damned Dragon Countryman.

After capturing Marvin alive, his team’s mission is complete.

At that time, it will be a great achievement to bring Marvin and the new elements in his hands back to the military area.

However, just when Karpais was about to inform the captain that this side could retreat.

The sound of gunfire in the distance surprised Karpais.

In the scope, I saw a piece of liquid splashing from the forehead of my teammates in the dark night.

Capes turned his gun sharply.

The powerful sniper intuition allowed Karpas to instantly find the location of Ji Nan through the direction of the sound.


His own team members sacrificed!

Thinking of the scene he just saw in the scope, Karpais was also furious!

The Satan Squad has been established for many years, and no one has died.

Now you have lost one person in such an operation?

Immediately aiming at Ji Nan’s position, Karpaz wanted to shoot and kill the opponent.

But Ji Nan retracted into the corridor without any hesitation after shooting.

So, Karpez saw only the retractable barrel of an open window, and did not see the attacker.

“This bastard goes so fast!”

Grit your teeth.

Capez immediately called the team through the headset.

“Attention all members, there are snipers around here! Lake has died.”


Hearing the words of Capes in the headset, all the members of the Satan Squad were taken aback.

Lake died? How is that possible? There are snipers around here?

Countless questions flashed through the brains of the members of the Satan Squad.

Hearing that the plan had changed, Augustana’s expression also became hideous.

“Joe, there’s something wrong with your intelligence! Why is there a sniper squad here?”

Joe has always been the intelligence agent and hacker in Satan’s squad.

The captain of the Satan Squad, Ogudona, will only receive a rough battle plan for the mission.

The specific information is received by Qiao Lai and the senior management.

Why haven’t 100 Satan Squad had problems all these years?

This also has a lot to do with the intelligence organization behind the Eagle Country Satan Squad.

Accurate and unmistakable information is the confidence of the Satan team every time they carry out a mission.

And this intelligence logistics team has never made a mistake in the process of assisting the Satan team over the years.

So this time, Augustana did not feel that there was a problem with the task after taking over the task.

In this mission information, Ogunado got accurate information.

Apart from his own team, no other team intervenes.

“Captain, it’s not me. It is indeed written in the intelligence that no people from other teams are involved. Could it be someone from the Carmon Group?”

Hear Augustana’s angry voice.

Joe was also in a hurry.

Hastily defended.

“Carmon Group? Can they have snipers?”

Thinking of this possibility, Ogunado frowned.

Not to mention it’s even possible.

It’s hard to say that the people from the Carmon Group also hired a mercenary team to find Marvin?

Doesn’t make sense?

How many days is it?

If there is a mercenary team present, his eyeliner in the international mercenary organization will definitely inform him.

It’s hard to say, isn’t he from the international mercenary squad?

Thinking of this, a bold conjecture suddenly appeared in my mind.

“It’s not a ghost, is it?”

Thinking of this possibility, Augustana suddenly felt a shock.

There seems to be such a possibility.

Why are ghosts famous?

It’s because of their elusiveness.

Thinking of this, Augustana’s tone instantly became solemn.

“Attention to all units, the opponent may be a ghost! Capes, change the sniper position immediately! The ghost has two snipers, you are likely to have been exposed!”

As Ogudona’s words came out, all the team members were startled.

ghosts? are they coming?,

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