The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 781: Insurance measures

Chapter 781 Insurance Measures (Page 1/1)

"Is my seasickness still unwell or what's the matter?" Looking at the big octopus raging on the coastline in the distance, Zhang Ziyou felt a little shaking under his feet: "Mu Ge, don't you tell me that we have crossed thousands of miles away, just for peace Such an enemy fights a battle?"

"I'm afraid the situation here is a bit more serious than we expected before we set off, but don't talk nonsense, if anyone regrets it, you can swim back by yourself." Shu Ma He seldom takes care of other people's emotions. He used to be a family prince. Now, as one of the few natives who are capable of getting the position of assistant researcher, this is still the case.

"You heard what he said, just follow it if you don't want to fall behind." Mu Tiegen nodded, he was not good at words, and more willing to take the lead.

Mu Tiegen followed the ranger Ji Wanbing straight away, and the ranger leaped forward on the roof, occasionally avoiding the fish and shrimp thrown from the seaside.

The big octopus was using the paladin's big ship as a toy, and it was swaying in the sky. Now it has seven or eight tentacles more than ten meters long sweeping along the shore, and most of its body is still soaking in the sea.

The newly rising sun exudes a warm glow, like someone holding a magnifying glass, gathered into a bunch and shining on the surface of the giant octopus.

Wherever the sunlight passed, black scorch marks were left on the monster's body, exposing the long-rotten tissue inside.

No one wants to fight against something like this, especially in the water.

"Comrade Shu Ma He, you should find a chance to return to the fleet with that boat now and tell them the situation here." Mu Tiegen smashed the wall in front of him with a punch, and led his team straight forward in the ruins: "I I don't want them to find out that they have to fight a sea monster first when they enter the port."

"We have other ways to communicate and focus on your own tasks." A confident smile appeared on Shu Ma He's face: "You don't even know what kind of power we have. The situation here is in the local staff. Within consideration, since we are here, we will not be driven away again!"

Not to mention Mu Tiegen, Zhang Ziyou, who had a broader vision, didn't know where Shumahe's confidence came from.

He didn't think those warships could kill such monsters. As a layman, Zhang Ziyou had a very clear view on the strength of warships. Big is strong, and small is weak.

Perhaps the battleship of the "Golden Fleet" is indeed several sizes larger than the white-skinned battleships, but it cannot change the fact that the big octopus is using the white-skinned battleship as a toy.

But Mu Tiegen’s character is such that he would not say more, ask more, Shu Ma He told him that he could solve the matter, Mu Tiegen believed it, and put the matter completely behind him, never going to it again. Think more.

Even if the flood later came to the sky, Mu Tiegen's only task was to meet up with the comrades here, and by the way, deliver the local express.

This time, the thundercloud storm summoned by Victor was added a lot of information by the evil god, and every lightning flashed with lavender light.

After the green skins and players scurrying on the street were smashed, they turned into dust on the spot, which was amazingly lethal.

"Motherfuvk!" The offensive plan that former Federal agent Charles Manson had prepared for several days was over before it even started.

The American players who waited in ambush nearby were reimbursed for one-third of the previous round of attacks.

Eu also suffered a great loss. They learned the greenskin method and sent a blasting team. As a result, even people with gunpowder were struck by lightning. Now they are inseparable from the dust on the ground.

"I'll deal with the birdmen in the sky, how about you dealing with the rest?" Efilal breathed the air full of psychic smells, which only witches could smell.

Sweeter than flowers and more attractive than food, but this taste is definitely one of the most feared by witches.

"Are you sure you have no problem?" Xu Yichen stood on the city wall, looking at the battlefield that suddenly became lively: "If we can't make it through, will you choose to sever yourself?"

"If you get to that point, you'd better help me. I don't want to explode in place and become a portal." The silver-haired witch's mood seemed to improve with the demon hunter's words: "Don't use your new toy. , I prefer the previous stabbing sword, the wound is a little smaller."

"As you wish, ma'am." Xu Yichen also smiled and performed an aristocratic ceremony, and walked down the city wall carrying [War Disaster].

This is a heavy topic, but also a very real problem, whether it is a witch hunter or a witch understands it.

In addition to the relationship between comrades-in-arms and friends, there is another relationship, surveillance.

It was Xu Yichen who intercepted the black ship of the nuns, and it was Xu Yichen who rescued Efilar, a witch who made both the Witch King and the Witch Federation look different.

She is Xu Yichen's responsibility.

Xu Yichen has the responsibility and the obligation to ensure that she will not one day bang into a gate through the chaos, which is definitely a disaster more serious than the disaster they are facing now.

Even the silver-haired witch herself didn't know how big a door she would open if she really fell into chaos.

The psionic tide kept boiling under Victor's communication. The short silence before was just an illusion. When someone started to make a new wave, it revealed its own hideousness.

This is the test that the witch has to face. The shielding ability of the quiet room is not that strong. Efilal has always been working hard to smooth the psychic waves around other witches.

Now she doesn't want to escape anymore. She has to face this new world and either adapt to it or be eliminated. She is a fighting nun, never afraid of challenges or death.

"Bless Sisters, you are with me." The silver-haired witch plunged the long sword into the ground and put her forehead against the hilt, praying like a fighting nun: "Bless me to overcome evil. , Bless me one day to save your souls."

The Demon Hunter issued a new order on the channel: "Stare at Efilal and the other witches. If anything happens, notify me or do what you should do."

"I have already joined the local supernatural beings. Don't be so unfeeling. We can carry it. The fleet has less than one day left. They said they can solve the problem of the seaside!" The ranger and the witches have a good relationship and hurriedly replied. : "We will not fail!"

"We may be able to eliminate the physical existence of chaos, but the witches face invisible psychic energy, like air composition, atmospheric pressure." Yang Yuefan explained: "If they can't evolve with the environment, we are their last kindness. "

"Nangong Yujun received, if the situation is irreversible, I will do what I should do." The black armored warrior knocked on his helmet, ignoring Li Yanlong's glaring, and replied.

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