The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 783: Obedience sir

As a weapon, the existence of [War Disaster] is like a Ferrari in a car, and it attracts everyone's attention whenever it comes out. *WWW.suimeng.lā

The hideous sharp teeth, the broad and huge black sword body, and the blood-spraying engine rotation became the reassurance of the aborigines of Wangxiangcheng in just a few days.

Whether it is an extraordinary person in Wangxiangcheng or a mortal soldier, as long as he hears or sees that unique voice and weapon, he knows that he will still be able to survive today.

It is a city wall, it is a siege cone, and he is an insurmountable line of defense.

"All mortal soldiers, now leave the city wall and establish a second line of defense behind the city wall!" The demon hunter stood at the city gate and gave orders, with a firm tone that made all the aborigines put their hearts in their stomachs.

Xu Yichen didn't want to risk letting the mortal guards come into contact with the chaos demons. Although the militiamen in the lower city of Antoni Grand Harbor had done this before, no one can guarantee that in a few months or a few years, they will have no problems.

The matter has not yet reached that point, but if the city wall is breached, everyone in the city will be forced to face the chaos. Whether it is an old man or a child, they cannot retreat.

A line of defense in depth that can fight for a few minutes is their last guarantee.

The blasphemous dark clouds finally covered the entire sky, and the black-gray rain fell from the sky. Looking at the crops planted by rural residents, this year's harvest is not expected.

The plants on the ground withered and died as soon as they were exposed to rainwater. The strange thing is that the rainwater seems to be harmless to people.

The mortal guard was in direct contact with the black-gray rainwater, just like mud. He wiped away the traces left by the rain on the armor with a little disgust, and then more rain fell, making him completely abandon this idea and began to concentrate on digging pits. .

The green skins outside the city didn't respond to the black rain in the sky. They paid more attention to the little guys around them. These fanciful things blocked them and the human shrimps.

Hell, many greenskins miss the process of fighting with that super fierce human boss. That human little shrimp must be the boss, and the weapon in his hand is super waaagh!

Just listening to the movement made Green Skin tremble with excitement!

As the silver-haired witch's prayers ended, a silver protective film expanded sharply to cover half of Wangxiang City, centering on Aifilar.

It couldn't stop the green-skinned bullets, nor could it organize the cutting of the blade, but the black-gray rain and purple thunder were all blocked out.

This is a direct dialogue between psionics, a duel between Efilal and Victor, whoever can mobilize more psionics is the winner.

Mu Tiegen's team arrived at the inner city of Wangxiang City at such a moment.

The inner city of Wangxiang City has only two gates, north and south, of which the south gate faces the direction of the green skin and has been blown into ruins at this time, while the north gate faces the port area and is still intact.

At this time, the north gate of the inner city, which had not been opened for decades, was being pulled open by the militia. In order to show respect for the local reinforcements, Li Xuanbai allocated ten precious manpower to do this.

"If you are under my control, I will shoot you directly for doing such things on the battlefield." Yang Yuefan stood with Li Xuanbai behind his back and said, "The local area is completely different. Don't send it out with the previous work. No one will like it. of."

"Rather than standing here and talking about me, let's talk about the big man behind you. The fight outside is so intense. Do you want to take an extraordinary person as a bodyguard?" Mrs. Li retorted unwillingly: "Wear that kind of armor. I’m afraid it’s one of you who can hit the most, right? I’ve even left my daughter and guards on the wall."

Although the two people were mocking each other, they looked incomparably harmonious on the surface. Nangong Yujun, standing two meters away, could not even hear the conversation between them.

"It's meaningless to argue with me. The local reforms have been completed. This time, all our comrades are here. Don't even think about getting past me to have a direct relationship with them." Yang Yuefan's voice remained calm and steady: "You will soon understandable."

"Hmph, wait and see." Li Xuanbai still wore a white shirt against the black rain, holding a large scarlet umbrella in his hand.

The polluted rainwater was purified by the witch's shield and turned into ordinary rainwater falling on the umbrella.

At the end of the road, the first figure to appear was the ranger Ji Wanbing, who quickly rushed into the shield range like a gust of wind.

To the transcendent, the corrupted rainwater is like a chronic poison, every drop will bring slight damage, and the accumulation of small amounts is really irresistible.

Behind him, Mu Tiegen led his team into the inner city of Wangxiang City, shrouded in a gleam of light. It was a magic weapon carried by Shumahe, which could effectively fight Chaos Corruption.

But after walking into the shield, Shu Ma He still breathed a sigh of relief. The jade pendant hanging around his waist had lost the crystal clearness of the past and became chaotic, and a crack was faintly visible.

"But Yang Yuefan Brother Yang in person?" Shu Ma He first asked Yang Yuefan with his fists, without even looking at Li Xuanbai.

"It's right here, your Excellency is researcher Shu Ma He?" Yang Yuefan also clasped his fists: "This journey of thousands of miles, hard work!"

"Where are the things?" The people met, and Shu Ma He didn't want to be delayed for a minute, and went straight ahead: "The fleet has 27 hours to go, and I have enough supplies and combat personnel. When they arrive, I will assist in the construction. With the local communication circle, before that, let me see things!"

Yang Yuefan snapped his fingers The black armored warrior stepped forward and made a please gesture, and disappeared into Li Xuanbai's mansion with the book Ma He directly.

The research on [Mechanical Heart] is only on the right track from now on.

"Mu Tiegen reports to you!" Mu Tiegen stood straight, and took out his identity certificate from his arms: "All four of the advance team are here, this is my certificate!"

"From now on, I will take over your command, Ji Wanbing, you take them directly to the front line." Yang Yuefan checked Mu Tiegen's credentials and said to the ranger: "Tell them about the situation here on the way, and tell Xu Yichen by the way. , The local side brought him a gift."

"Sir! Is that adult's name Xu Yichen?" Mu Tiegen asked a little excitedly, making the three people behind him puzzled.

"Yes, political commissar Xu Yichen, he has turned up." Yang Yuefan nodded, and returned his identification to Mu Tiegen: "It is better for you to inform him personally about this news. After all, you came along with this gift. ."

"Observe your orders, sir!" Mu Tiegen's face showed an excited smile, but the face of the companion behind was a little pale.

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