“What… What…”

Father Luo Luo was slightly stunned, his excited body trembled a little, and even his voice began to speak, “Xiao… Xiaofeng, you… What you said is true… It’s true? ”

“That’s right, parents, seniors are very powerful, he said that if he can save Xiaohua, there must be a way to save it!”

I don’t know why, although Luo Feng just heard Chu Ye himself say that it can be cured, but unexpectedly, Luo Feng now has a blind belief in Chu Ye.

He felt that Chu Ye was omnipotent, and even he didn’t know why this trust came about.

“Brother… Elder brother…… Do I really have a cure? Will I walk like a normal person in the future? ”

Luo Hua is sixteen years old, and before he was eight years old, he had a happy childhood like most children, but he suffered an accident when he was eight years old.

After that, he could no longer stand up, he became crippled, his life was gray at that time, if it were not for the encouragement of his parents and the care of his brother, I am afraid that he would have already found himself short-sighted.

Later, he regained the belief to live, still happy every day, trying to be a person who does not cause trouble to his parents and brothers, but in his heart, he always fantasizes that he can one day get back on his feet.

But as time passed, his illusions were gradually shattered, and for eight years, he no longer imagined that he would one day get back on his feet.

His heart had already begun to despair, and he could only pray to heaven in his heart to leave him the last trace of luxury.

Maybe God showed his spirit, today he heard his brother Luo Feng say something that shocked him extremely much, and he was able to stand up again?

He was excited, he was pleasantly surprised!

Looking at his brother’s appearance at this time, Luo Feng’s nose soured, his younger brother has really suffered too much over the years.

Chu Tianmad and Chu Tianlong were also a little unsettled when they saw this scene, this boy who was two years younger than himself was indeed a little miserable.

Chu Qianwu also put away her smile at this time, inexplicably a little heavy, “Luo Hua, right!” I call you Xiaohua, you have no opinion! ”

“Didn’t… Nothing…”

Luo Hua said somewhat incoherently.

“Okay, then I’ll call you Xiaohua, I tell you, you can be completely relieved from now on, there is nothing in this world that I can’t do in my novel, he will treat your legs later, and after that, you can be like a normal person, you can walk, you can run, and it doesn’t matter how you jump.”

“Great… Big sister… True…… Are you sure? ”

Luo Hua had tears in his eyes and looked at Chu Qianwu with a look of anticipation.

Chu Qianwu nodded: “Really, big sister won’t lie to you.” ”

“Xiaohua, you should be called aunt, not big sister.”

After Luo Mu heard Luo Hua’s name for Chu Qianwu, she said with some blame, she is really afraid that they have something inappropriate to say now, provoking Chu Ye and Chu Qianwu to be unhappy, and then not treating her son, if such a thing really happens, she is afraid that she will collapse.

“Big sister, it’s okay, let’s talk about each other.”

Chu Qianwu waved his hand and said indifferently.

“Well, there is no need to talk more nonsense, everything will be cured later.”

Chu Ye stood aside and said softly.

“Good, good, Mr. Chu is tired of you!”

Father Luo and Mother Luo immediately nodded and said gratefully.

“Senior, please help my brother!”

Chu Ye waved his hand, signaling them not to speak, and then pinched Luo Hua’s legs with his hands.

A pair of legs were broken in several places, and there were even twisted tendons and bones in many places.

No wonder the hospital has not been able to cure it for so many years, normally an ordinary person who has suffered this kind of injury will not have the opportunity to stand up again in this life.

It’s a pity that now that Chu Ye is here, maybe this is an almost incurable injury for others, but for him, it is really just a trivial matter.

The two hands gently placed on Luo Hua’s knees, and golden rays began to shine on Luo Hua’s legs.


Feeling the feeling of the divine light covering his legs, Luo Hua exclaimed softly, it was really this feeling too refreshing, just like bathing in the bright sun in winter, very, very warm.

“Xiaohua, what’s wrong with you?”

Hearing Luo Hua’s call, Luo Father Luo Mother and Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask worriedly.

“It’s nothing, it’s just warm and feels so comfortable.”

Luo Hua shook his head to signal that he was fine.

Chu Ye gently transformed the golden divine radiance into Dao Divine Xi, and little by little it was integrated into Luo Hua’s legs, nourishing and assisting in the healing of his bones.

Ten minutes later, Chu Ye withdrew his hand, stood up, and looked at Luo Hua with a smile on his face, “Okay, get up and take two steps to try it!” ”

“Senior, this is cured?”

Luo Feng looked at Chu Ye with a confused look and asked, it’s not that he doesn’t believe Chu Ye, but it’s simply too fast, just put his hand on his leg for ten minutes, and his legs are fine? Can you walk?

“Otherwise, you think it’s just a small injury, very relaxed.”

Chu Ye rolled his eyes and didn’t have a good airway.

Hearing Chu Ye’s affirmative reply, Luo’s father and mother Luo Feng showed joy, and hurriedly said to Luo Hua: “Little brother, stand up, the senior said that you have been cured, get up quickly and take two steps to try it.” ”

“Yes, yes, Xiaohua, take two quick steps and try it.”

Father Luo and Mother Luo said excitedly.


Luo Hua gritted his teeth and slowly stood up from the wheelchair, originally he was ready to grit his teeth, even if it hurt again, he had to get up to see if there were any other effects.

But when he stood up, he found that his legs did not feel a single pain, and this discovery immediately made him speechless.

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