The game reflects the real world, and everyone is going crazy for it!

Chapter 57 This wave of popularity was successfully taken advantage of


The news reported by Phoenix Newspaper is getting more and more violent.

Countless netizens are cursing and ridiculing Phoenix Newspaper.


Li Zaixian, a well-known news media person, even published an article on Weibo, attacking the Phoenix Newspaper.

"As news media workers, we have the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for the news we report."

"But look at what kind of bullshit article the Phoenix News is promoting. It is completely insulting the public's intelligence. The behavior is extremely hypocritical. It should be banned by the news industry! Banned!"

"I have personally experienced the game "Doomsday Cataclysm". It is a rubbish game. I downloaded it and played it for less than five minutes, so I deleted it directly!"

The article contains a long list of contents, and also comes with several screenshots of player reviews of "Doomsday Cataclysm".

On the screenshot, you can see a lot of bad reviews.

"This is the crappiest game I've ever played."

"A bunch of crotch pullers."

"It's rubbish. Whoever plays it will regret it. It's a complete waste of time!"

"To be honest, it's really rubbish. You can't play without recharging money! I'll recharge my ass!"


"Cataclysm" has numerous bad reviews.

This article by Li Zaixian also became popular instantly!

It has been favored by netizens.

Sitting in front of the computer screen, Li Zaixian, who is in his thirties and wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, has an elegant appearance and a smile on his lips.

"This wave of popularity has succeeded!"

He murmured to himself, feeling very proud. He did not expect that his article would receive so many favorable comments.

Fortunately, he reacted faster than his colleagues and bombarded the Phoenix News Agency in time.

Moreover, his bombardment is not just fabricated, but well-founded.

He even personally experienced the game "Doomsday Cataclysm" for a few minutes.

Rubbish, too rubbish.

The greedy face of the capitalists is vividly exposed.

It’s weird that such a broken game is so popular.

"The Phoenix Newspaper probably had a lot of trouble in its head, so it published such a ridiculous piece of news. But that's fine, it made me happy."

Li Zaixian pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the smile on his face became stronger.


Li Zaixian's face was filled with joy.

Because the article he published was actually reposted and liked by Penguin’s official WeChat account.

at the same time.

Penguin’s official Weibo also expressed its own views.

"The Phoenix News article is nonsense, just to gain attention. If you want to play a doomsday game, choose "Dawn of Dawn"! It's so fun! "Dawn of Dawn" is a conscientious game!"

It also comes with two screenshots.

A "Dawn of the Fall" player explores the post-apocalyptic world.

A picture of "Doomsday Catastrophe" filled the screen with recharged golden light.

Compare the two.

It is not difficult to see who is the real conscience game!


Countless netizens liked Penguin's official account and even expressed their desire to play "Dawn of Dawn", Penguin's annual competitive virtual online game!

Jiangnan City, inside an apartment building.

Zhou Teng is a bright-looking young man who currently works in an ordinary company.

And now he.

He is typing on the keyboard.

"Penguin never disappoints in terms of disappointing people. "Dawn of Dawn" is not worthy of competing with "Cataclysm", and I have played "Cataclysm" and I can really become stronger. The game world Become stronger too!”

After typing this sentence, he clicked Zhou Teng and felt much better.

However, he clicked on the comment on the web interface.


After finishing one comment.

He received a message reminder.

His comments were deleted from the Penguin official account.

This made Zhou Teng a little unhappy, and he made several comments in succession.

All deleted without exception.


He also received a very bad news reminder.

[Because your comment was deleted and blocked, you are temporarily unable to comment]

Apparently, he was blocked by Penguin’s official Weibo account.

"Is a big company so immoral?"

He began to curse and was in a particularly bad mood.

Not long after, he went out for dinner and went to a Shaxian snack shop near the apartment building. He ate some flat food, fried rice and the like and hurriedly checked out and left.

He has to rush back and continue playing "Doomsday Cataclysm".

"It would be nice if the game didn't make money..."

Zhou Teng had a look of helplessness on his face. Just because he had played this game, recharged, and realized the benefits, he lost control and recharged 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in one go, completely squandering all his small savings.

Otherwise, in the past, he would have ordered takeout for thirty or forty yuan a portion.

Unlike now, he could only come to Shaxian County in person for snacks, and he only ate twelve yuan for this dinner.

He wants to save money.

Save money to continue playing games!

There are only a few steps left.

Zhou Teng saw several men chatting with an attractive young woman in a food stall not far away.

The young woman was reluctant and dissatisfied.

The men were arrogant and had an attitude of being convinced of women.

As for the woman, she was not someone to be trifled with. She actually slapped one of the men.

"Dare you hit me? I'm tired of living!"

Li Zhuang's face was ashen. He was very tall and tall, in his thirties, but now he was furious and his face was frighteningly livid.

Several friends around him also cast unkind glances at women.

Yao Shishi really felt that she was very unlucky, so she went out for dinner and met so many men who looked like flies. This made her very angry, and she was even more angry that these grown men were actually being rude to her.

This scene.

It was noticed by many people around.

But no one took action.

None of the passers-by had the heart to act bravely, not to mention that Li Zhuang was also a gangster in the nearby area, forming gangs and not doing anything serious.

"Let go!"

Li Zhuang's big hand firmly grasped Yao Shishi's wrist. Yao Shishi wanted to struggle, but could not break free.


Li Zhuang smiled coldly, burped, and spit out a lot of alcohol.

It can be seen that he drank, and his friends around him also drank.

"You stinky woman, you have no shame!"

Several friends around Li Zhuang cursed and were very proud, as if bullying a weak woman like Yao Shishi made them feel very happy.

In the past, Zhou Teng would never have wanted to be troublesome, and would have gone as far away as possible when encountering such a thing.

But things are different now.

He could feel the power all over his body.

Facing these hooligans, he really didn't give up.

"Let her go. What does it mean for a few grown men to bully a woman?"

Zhou Teng's expression was calm and unafraid.

"Is this stupid young man crazy?"

Many people around were a little stunned. They didn't expect that these days there would be idiots who dared to jump out and save the beautiful girl. Don't you know how capable you are?


Li Zhuang laughed. He really didn't expect that a fool would stand up.

"Brothers, take action!"

After drinking a lot of wine, he became so energetic that he was about to hit someone.


Li Zhuang and other people, a total of four people.

Four grown men swarmed forward.

Zhou Teng was not afraid of this. On the contrary, he was very excited.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The whole fight scene is quick.

In less than a few dozen seconds, Zhou Teng defeated Li Zhuang and others.

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