There was no hesitation.

Zhao Yu purchased a town-level server.

All of a sudden, he received a bank text message.

[Jiangcheng Bank] Dear user, your account with the last number 1633 has a transfer of 20 million, and the balance in the card is 11.538 million.

20 million is gone?

This is totally a waste of money.

Moreover, Zhao Yu also learned that the maximum daily transfer limit of a normal bank card is 1 million, but now, through inquiries, he also learned that his current bank card level is not a regular card, gold card, platinum card or diamond card. It is the highest level of supreme VIP card.

The Supreme VIP Card enjoys unlimited daily transfer limits.

Needless to say, this must be the work of the system.

Moreover, after investigation, he also learned that 20 million funds flowed into stocks, financial management, investment, etc., and were not controlled by the system at all.

He understood this situation very well, and the system was designed to avoid being noticed by the state.

If the frequent financial transactions are legal, that's fine. If they are illegal, his water meter will be checked every minute.

He even inquired about the source of the previous 30.31 million yuan in funds.

Upon inquiry, he called him "good guy". He made a lot of profits by investing in stocks and buying futures, and his income source was legal and regular.

Afterwards, he wanted to wash up and have breakfast, but as a result, a system message appeared in his field of vision.

[Host, the currently online virtual reality online game "Doomsday Cataclysm" has received complaints from tens of thousands of players. Do you want to check the content of the complaints and then optimize it?]

Taking a closer look at the news, Zhao Yu had a strange expression.


Never before.

Now it has appeared. Could it be that someone organized players to complain about the game and wanted to see if the game could be optimized accordingly?

Is it the work of the state or is it organized voluntarily by the players?

Zhao Yu thought silently in his heart.

He had already expected complaints about the game.

The whole screen is filled with recharge gold light, it’s a damn thing if you don’t complain.

Soon, Zhao Yu chose to check and see how to optimize it.

[1. The most common complaint from players is that charging too much money is too expensive. In this regard, many players suggest closing the recharge channels and implementing a point-card billing system]

Facing this line of text, Zhao Yu shook his head and couldn't agree.

Not talking about card billing, just closing the recharge channel, how does he make money?

Now they have all been upgraded to town-level servers, with a daily operating fee of 4 million.

Moreover, if you want to buy a better server in the future, you will need a lot of money.


The system displayed another line of text information.

[2. Many players said that the game is too difficult to survive, and NPCs often engage in betrayal, betrayal, etc., forcing a dark apocalypse. There should be good people in an apocalyptic world! Also, the NPCs are too powerful and the players have no way to survive. They are always easily killed and cannot develop at all, making it impossible to play.】

The second point of feedback from players.

Zhao Yu looked thoughtful.

indeed so.

He also knew about the game.

The NPCs inside are indeed very strong, ridiculously strong.

The reason is that players cannot survive forever and will always die for various reasons.

But NPCs will naturally die, but if they survive, they will be absolutely powerful.

This is very similar to how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Therefore, Zhao Yu also decided to create a mysterious force to protect players.

He also inputs his thoughts quickly.

[Create a mysterious force, a survivor shelter, and relevant NPC characters are generated by themselves. Players can choose to be born within the scope of the survivor shelter and be protected by it]

Once entered, he thought it would be successful.

Can bear fruit.

However, an error message popped up in the system.

[The creation of the mysterious force failed, it is illogical, the end is coming, the strong have no obligation to protect the weak]

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment. He did not expect such a result, but he also understood that it seemed that he had a system and could not change "Doomsday Catastrophe" randomly.

This doesn't seem to be a game, but a real world.

He thought silently in his heart.

Since the logic doesn't fit, what if the players hand over a small part of their income to the survivor shelter?

Whether it can be logical.

He entered two lines of text message again.

[Create a mysterious force, Survivor Shelter, and related NPC characters are generated by themselves. Players can choose to be born within the Survivor Shelter’s influence and join the Survivor Shelter to be protected by it, but they must hand over 1% of their income every month. 】

This time.

Zhao Yu thought he was sure of everything and could follow the logic.

However, it still failed.

[The creation of the mysterious force failed, and the income from monthly submission is too low]


Zhao Yu also wanted to benefit the players, but unfortunately failed.

He tried several more times.


After turning in 10% of the income every month, the mysterious force was successfully established.

[Congratulations to the host, the mysterious force - Survivor Shelter, has been successfully created. Do you want to make relevant modifications? If not, the virtual reality online game "Doomsday Cataclysm" will be updated later. Once updated, the mysterious force will be automatically loaded and generated]

Suddenly, Zhao Yu's eyes lit up, and he also tried to make relevant modifications, exactly what kind of modification method it was.

in a blink.

Lines of text messages appeared in his vision.

[Mr. Wen: A martial arts master with justice in his heart. When the end of the world came, he did not choose to fall, but did his best to help more survivors, and gathered a large number of survivors to build a survivor shelter]

[Wen Xin: Mr. Wen's daughter, influenced by Mr. Wen, practiced martial arts since childhood, and slaughtered countless zombies when the end of the world came. His strength is extraordinary]

[Tang Ming: Mr. Wen's right-hand man, an excellent survival expert, and proficient in all kinds of firearms]

[Ye Hu: A tough guy in the survivor shelter, with great skills and extraordinary strength. It is said that he was once a killer and proficient in fighting skills]

[Lin Ende: A medical expert in the survivor shelter, proficient in medical skills]

And there are many other characters of all kinds.

Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction, but he still felt that something was missing.

A novice NPC to guide the players is missing!

Then, Zhao Yu made modifications and added a novice guide.

[Red Rose: A member of the survivor shelter with a delicate face and a hot body. She will guide players to join the survivor shelter and teach players how to survive in the end times. She is amazingly powerful and is the second best player in the survivor shelter]

After joining such a female NPC, Zhao Yu directly chose not to modify it.

In the blink of an eye.

A text message appeared.

[The virtual reality online game "Doomsday Cataclysm" will be updated later. After the update, a mysterious force - the survivor shelter will appear]

Seeing this, Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction and checked other complaints from players.

[3. There is no game mall!!!]

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment, and created a game mall without saying a word.

It's just that.

He created the mall casually, but the mall was empty and did not sell any items.

Without hesitation.

He directly put a series of items on the shelves.

New furniture purchase!

Luxury double bed!

Luxury TV!

Luxury sofa!

And so on.


Game props.

Name change card, disguise card, speaker.

At the end, he entered another line of text.

More props, stay tuned!

During this period, he also tried to enter crystals to buy and so on.

However, it could not be approved by the system.

He also knew this.

This is not a game that sells numbers. If players want to become stronger, it is absolutely impossible to rely on recharging to defeat the world.

Recharging can only buy props such as furniture, costumes, weapons and paint.

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